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इस पोस्ट में क्या है?
Hdfc Bank CSC
भारत सरकार के आईटी मंत्रालय के अंतर्गत काम करने वाले Common Service Center CSC के साथ हुए! HDFC Bank के समझौते के बाद से अब देश भर के CSC Vle – HDFC Bank की सभी सेवाए अपने Center के माध्यम! से उपलब्ध करवा सकते है और उसपे मिलने वाले CSC Hdfc Bank Commission List for Credit Card, A/c Opening and Loan के विषय में जानने के लिए! निचे दिए गए विडियो का वाच करे अथवा पूरी पोस्ट को पढ़े
CSC HDFC Bank Credit Card
Hdfc Bank Credit Card – ATM (Debit Card) की तरह का ही एक Card होता है, जिसमे आप उधार पैसे निकाल सकते है! और एक महीने के भीतर पर आपको कोई भी ब्याज नहीं देना होता हो! और यदि आप एक CSC Vle है तो आप अपने और अपने Customers के लिए HDFc Credit Card Apply कर सकते है! और CSC Hdfc Bank Credit Card को Apply करने पर! मिलने वाला Commission for Credit Card प्राप्त कर सकते है
CSC VLE Credit Card
Dear Vles आप सभी को अब CSC HDFC Bank की तरफ से 40 हजार से 3 लाख रूपये तक का Credit Card
मुहैया कराया जा रहा है Credit Card एक तरह का Intrest Free Loan है जिसमें एक महीने में खर्च किये गए रूपये का
अगले माह की 10-12 तारिख में भुगतान करना होता है
सभी csc vles अपने द्वारा HDFC Bank के Open किये गए A/C धारको ज्जिन्होने 2500 रूपये Maintain किया है को भी
यह कार्ड बनवा सकते है प्रत्येक Credit Card पर Vle को 460 रूपये का कमीशन दिया जायेगा
योजना का लाभ उठाने के लिए अपने CSC District VLE Society से संपर्क करे
For More Detail Visit Links Given Below:
How to Open CSC HDFC Bank Account:
HDFC Bank BC Board, stand and Certificate:
HDFC Bank Commission List Download:
Vle Hdfc Bank Credit Card Application Process:
CSC VLE Credit Card Limit
CSC Vle अथवा किसी Customer को जारी किये जाने वाले Credit Card की पहली Limit Bank द्वारा उसके Bank A/c
में रखे जाने वाले balance के आधार पर अथवा उसके Income Tax Return Filling में दिखाए गए Income के Basis पर बनायीं जाती है
जो सामान्यतः- 40 हजार से 3 लाख तक होती है, जो उस Vle अथवा Customer के Credit Card द्वारा खर्च किये गए Ammount
की Time पर Repayment यानी समय पर वापसी करने पर कार्ड जारी होने के 3 -6 महीने में बढ़ना चालू हो जाती है
How to Apply CSC HDFC Credit Card Through CSC
दोस्तों यदि आप एक CSC Vle है तो आप CSC Digital Seva Portal के माध्यम से बहुत आसानी से csc vle hdfc credit card
अथवा किसी Customer के लिए HDFC Bank Credit Card के लिए Online Apply कर सकते है
Complete Detail जानकारी के लिए निचे दिए विडियो को पूरा वाच करे
How to Increase Credit Card Limit
- अपने Credit Card में खर्च किये गए Ammount का समय पर भुगतान करे
- Apply For Credit Limit Increasement through Bank Branch or Net banking
- Apply For A New Credit Card with Higher Limit with Another Bank
- Improve Your Credit Score
- Show Proof Of Increase Income to your Bank
Eligibility for CSC hdfc credit card
- आवेदक 18 वर्ष से ऊपर होना चाहिए
- आवेदक का HDFC Bank में एक Account होना चाहिए
- यदि आवेदक का HDFC Bank में A/c न हो तो पहले Account के लिए Apply for करे फिर Credit कार्ड
- HDFC Account में न्यूनतम 2500 रूपये Maintain रखता हो
- किसी अन्य बैंक के साथ में किसी प्रकार का बकाया अथवा Credit Card का बिल भुगतान pending न हो
- Good Civil Score
CSC HDFC Credit Card For NON- HDFC A/c Holders
दोस्तों यदि आप किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति का CSC के माध्यम से Credit Card Apply करने जा रहे है जिसका Account
अभी तक HDFC Bank में नहीं है तो इसका सबसे अच्छा तरीका है की आप सबसे पहले उसका Account
HDFC Bank के साथ में Open करे जिससे आपको उसका Credit Card जारी करवाने में आसानी हो
किन्तु यदि किसी परिस्थिति में ऐसा नहीं है तो आप फिर भी उन्हें Credit Card दिलवा सकते है और Commission भी पा सकते है
किन्तु इसके लिए अनिवार्य है की आप जिसका भी आप Credit Card Apply कर रहे है वो कोई Salaried Person हो जिसकी
मासिक आय 15000 रूपये से अधिक हो अथवा यदि वह Self Employed या अपना खुद का व्यापर करते है तो आपको
अपना Income Tax Return Filling के दस्तावेज यानी ITR with Computation दिखाना होगा
How to Open CSC HDFC Bank Account
अपने CSC पोर्टल के माध्यम से HDFC Bank Account Opening की विस्तृत जानकारी के लिए जिचे दिए गए विडियो को
पूरा वाच करे
Kisan Credit Card Application Process 2020
यदि आप एक CSC Vle है तो आप अपने और अपने गाँव में रखने वाले किसानो को Pm KIsan
Credit Card योजना का लाभ दिलवा सकते है
अधिक जानकारी के लिए विजिट करे-
CSC Hdfc Bank Commission List for Credit Card, A/c Opening and Loan
दोस्तों जैसा की आप सभी को ज्ञात है की आज की तारीख तक CSC Vle के माध्यम से HDFC Bank की बहुत सी सेवाए जैसे
New Credit Card Application
Saving /Current Account Opening
Loan Application
Two Wheeler Loan
Car Loan
Tractor Loan
4 Wheeler Loan
Personal Loan आदि मिलने वाला कमीशन निम्नलिखित है
HDFC VLE’s Commission Structure | ||||
Sr. NO. | Services | Conditionality | Type | VLE Commission |
1 |
Opening of E-KYC Savings Bank Account |
Offering Full KYC accounts |
N/A |
Rs 16/- |
2 |
Opening of Savings Bank Account |
M0, M3, M6 based payout with minimum charge structure not non maintenance of balance. |
N/A |
Account will be opened NIL IP. Rs. 40 payout at the time of account opening. Rs 80 to be paid on M3 provided there are 2 credit transactions in account and the balance totalling to value of Rs. 2000 and above. Additional Rs. 80 to be paid at end of M6 if the account maintains AMB of Rs. 3000 and above. |
3 |
Opening of Current Account |
M0, M3, M6 based payout with minimum charge structure not non maintenance of balance. |
N/A |
Account will be opened NIL IP. Rs. 80 payout at the time of account opening. Rs 120 to be paid on M3 provided there are 2 credit transactions in account and the balance totalling to value of Rs. 5000 and above. Additional Rs. 120 to be paid at end of M6 if the account maintains AMB of Rs. 10000 and
above. |
4 |
Opening of Current Account with Bharat QR Code |
M0, M3, M6 based payout with minimum charge structure not non maintenance of balance. |
N/A |
Account will be opened with NIL IP. Rs. 80 payout at the time of account opening towards account opening and Rs. 160 to be paid additionally towards BQR bundelling. Rs 120 to be paid on M3 provided there are 2 credit transactions in account and the balance totalling to value of Rs. 5000 and above. Additional Rs. 120 to be paid at end of M6 if the account maintains AMB of Rs. 10000 and above. |
5 |
Opening of Govt Salary Accounts |
M0, M3, M6 based payout with minimum charge structure. |
Account will be opened NIL IP. Rs. 40 payout at the time of account opening. Rs 80 to be paid on M3 provided there is atleast 1 direct salary credit from Govt Dept in account Additional Rs. 80 to be paid at end of M6 if the account maintains AMB of Rs. 5000 and above. |
6 |
Fixed Deposit |
< 6 Months | 0.08% | |
6 Months – < 1 Year | 0.12% | |||
> 1 Year | 0.16% | |||
7 | Recurring Deposit | < 6 Months | Rs. 4 | |
> 6 Months | Rs. 8 | |||
8 | Auto Loan (New + Old) | Commericals are based on Lead Conversion . The buckets
are per based State Conversion permonth |
1-5 Cases Lead conversion per States | 0.48% | |||
6-10 Cased Lead Conversion per state | 0.64% | |||
> 11 Cases lead conversion | 0.64% + Rs 800 per case lead converted | |||
Eg Haryana state does Total 10 Lead conversion for Auto Loan for November 2018 , Then every VLE will get ,0.80% for every Auto Loan case converted for November 2018 and if Goa state does Total 3 Lead conversion for November 2018, then every VLE will get 0.60% for every AL converted in November 2018 | ||||
9 | Two Wheeler | Commericals are based on Lead Conversion. The buckets
are per based State Conversion permonth |
1-10 Cases Lead conversion per States | 0.64% | |||
11-20 Cased Lead Conversion per state | 0.80% | |||
> 20 Cases lead conversion | .8% + Rs 200 per case lead converted | |||
Eg Haryana state does Total 13 Lead conversion for TW Loan for November 2018, Then every VLE will get,1% for every TW Loan case converted for November 2018 and if Goa state does Total 3 Lead conversion for November 2018, then every VLE will get 0.80% for every TW Loan converted in November 2018 | ||||
10 | Personal Loan & Business Loan | Commercials are based on Lead Conversion. The buckets
are per based State Conversion per month |
1-5 Cases Lead conversion per States | 0.48% | |||
6-10 Cased Lead Conversion per state | 0.64% | |||
> 11 Cases lead conversion | 0.64% + Rs 800 per case lead converted | |||
Eg Haryana state does Total 10 Lead conversion for Personal Loan for November 2018, Then every VLE will get ,0.80% for every Personal Loan case converted for November 2018 and if Goa state does Total 3 Lead conversion for November 2018, then every VLE will get 0.60% for every Personal Loan converted in November 2018 | ||||
11 | Tractor Loan | Lead Conversion | 0.20% of the loan value | |
12 | Gold Loan | Lead Conversion | 0.20% of the loan value | |
13 | Consumer Durable Loan | Lead Conversion | 0.24% of the loan value | |
14 |
Credit Cards |
Lead Conversion(STP-Lead generation and conversion) | Rs 400/- | |
Lead Generation and Conversion by Bank Staff | Rs 60/- | |||
15 |
Self Help Group / Joint Liability Group Loan |
Upto 60 Members disbursed in a month | 56 per member | |
Additional upto 20 Members disbursed in a month | 72 per member | |||
Each member exceeding 80 members disbursed in a
month |
88 per member | |||
16 | Commercial Vehicle | Per case | 400 | |
17 | Commercial Equipment | Per case | 400 | |
18 | Pledge Loan | Lead Conversion | 0.20% of disb amount |
CSC Hdfc Bank Commission List Structure for CSC Vle
HDFC VLE’s Commission Structure | ||||
Sr. NO. | Services | Conditionality | Type | VLE Commission |
19 |
Upto 3 lacs | 400 | |
> 3 to 7 lacs | 720 | |||
>7 to 10 lacs | 960 | |||
>10 to 20 lacs | 1200 | |||
>20 -50 lacs | 1360 | |||
20 | Cattle Loan | Per case | 320 | |
21 |
Dairy Plus |
Up to 20 lacs | 400 | |
>20 to 50 lacs | 600 | |||
> 50 lacs | 800 | |||
22 | KBS Txns | Interchange payable for transaction amount Rs 100 and
above (excluding applicable tax) |
a | Cash Handling Charges | N/A | Nil as per txn charge being paid | |
b |
Remittance / Fund Transfer |
Applicable on successful transactions only | On-us | Rs. 6.0/- per txn (Only for Fund Transfer. Remittance is
currrently not offered) |
Applicable on successful transactions only | Off-us | .4% of Trans Amount with subject to maximum Rs. 10/-INR | ||
b | Fixed Charges: | N/A | NIL | |
c |
Cash Withdrawal using AEPS- On-us/Off-us | Applicable on successful transactions only | On-us | Rs. 4/- |
Applicable on successful transactions only | Off-us | .4% of Trans Amount with subject to maximum Rs. 10/-INR | ||
d |
Cash Deposit using AEPS- On- us/Off-us | Applicable on successful transactions only | On-us | Rs. 4/- |
Applicable on successful transactions only | Off-us | .4% of Trans Amount with subject to maximum Rs. 10/-INR | ||
e | Balance Enquiry | On-us | Nil | |
Off-us | Nil | |||
f | Mini Statement | OFFUS | N/A | Rs 1.2/- |
g |
Card Transaction- Rupay, Visa, Master On-us & Off-us |
Applicable on successful transactions only |
N/A |
.4% of Trans Amount with subject to maximum Rs. 8/-INR |
Note: Above comercials are subject to bank. If bank revised, CSC SPV will also do the same. | Ver-1 |
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