CSC NIELIT Facilitation Center

दोस्तों National Institute of Electronics and information technology (NIELIT) भारत सरकार द्वारा स्थापित एक संसथान है! जो Digital Literacy से लगा कर उच्च कंप्यूटर शिक्षा प्रदान करने व सरकारी नौकरी में मान्य होने वाली प्रमाण पत्र जारी करने वाली संस्था है! इसका महत्त्व देखते हुए CSC SPV ने ग्रामीण भारत में बच्चो को CSC NIELIT CCC, BCC O LEVEL Exam को पास करने में सहायता करने के उद्देश्य! से NIELIT और CSC SPV के साथ एक समझौता किया है! जिसके माध्यम से अब देश के ग्रामीण क्षेत्र में रहने वाले स्टूडेंट भी अब NIELIT के साथ CCC, BCC, ACC, ECC, O level Exam की Study व Exam Prepration अपने गाँव के CSC Center / NIELIT Facilitation Center के माध्यम से कर पाएंगे!

CSC NIELIT Facilitation Centre Approval & Center Branding Material Download

The National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) has been established by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India, with the objective of promoting high-quality education and training in the field of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology (IECT). NIELIT provides various courses and certifications in computer science and IT fields.

CSC (Common Service Center) is a digital initiative by the Government of India, aiming to provide government services to citizens in rural areas. CSCs act as a one-stop-shop for various government and private services, including banking, insurance, education, and health.

To provide better services to the citizens of India, NIELIT has established a facilitation center approval scheme for CSCs. This scheme is designed to allow CSCs to provide NIELIT’s services to their customers. This article discusses the details of the CSC NIELIT facilitation center approval scheme.

NIELIT Facilitation Centre ऑन बोर्डिंग तथा कैंडीडेट पंजीकरण प्रक्रिया तथा ब्रांडिंग हेतु निम्नलिखित यूजर मैनुअल/ दिशानिर्देश का संदर्भ ग्रहण करे:

1)    नये “NIELIT फैसिलिटेशन सेंटर ऑन बोर्डिंग” के विषय में  सम्पूर्ण जानकारी हेतु वीडियो लिंक

2)    NIELIT login process


4)    NIELIT Branding Guidelines

Benefits of CSC NIELIT Facilitation Center Approval Scheme:

The CSC NIELIT facilitation center approval scheme provides several benefits to the CSCs. Some of the benefits are:

  1. Increased Revenue: The NIELIT courses and certifications are highly in demand in the market. With the approval of the facilitation center, the CSCs can provide NIELIT services to their customers and increase their revenue.
  2. Skill Development: NIELIT courses and certifications are designed to enhance the skills of individuals in the field of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology. With the facilitation center approval, CSCs can help individuals in rural areas to improve their skills and become more employable.
  3. Government Support: The CSC NIELIT facilitation center approval scheme is a government initiative. Therefore, CSCs can benefit from the government’s support and promotion of this scheme.

Eligibility Criteria for CSC NIELIT Facilitation Center Approval:

To be eligible for the CSC NIELIT facilitation center approval scheme, the CSCs must meet the following criteria:

  1. The CSC must have a valid CSC ID.
  2. The CSC must have a minimum of one employee who is NIELIT certified.
  3. The CSC must have a minimum of one computer system with an internet connection.
  4. The CSC must have a physical infrastructure, such as a room or a kiosk.
  5. The CSC must have a minimum of 100 square feet of space.
  6. The CSC must have the necessary financial resources to run the facilitation center.

Steps to Apply for CSC NIELIT Facilitation Center Approval:

The following are the steps to apply for the CSC NIELIT facilitation center approval:

  1. The CSC owner needs to visit the official website of CSC and login to the portal.
  2. Then, the owner needs to fill out the online application form for the facilitation center approval.
  3. The application form must be submitted along with the necessary documents, such as the CSC ID, NIELIT certification, and infrastructure details.
  4. Once the application is submitted, it will be reviewed by NIELIT.
  5. After the review process, NIELIT will approve or reject the application.
  6. If the application is approved, the CSC owner will receive a certificate of approval.


The CSC NIELIT facilitation center approval scheme is a great initiative by the government to provide better services to the citizens of India. CSCs can benefit from this scheme by increasing their revenue, enhancing the skills of individuals in rural areas, and receiving government support. The eligibility criteria and the application process are straightforward and easy to understand. CSC owners should take advantage of this scheme to provide NIELIT’s services to their customers and contribute to the development of the country.

CSC NIELIT Center: Empowering Digital India

In today’s fast-paced world, digital literacy has become a necessity for individuals and businesses alike. The government of India has been taking several initiatives to promote digital literacy and make digital services accessible to every citizen. One such initiative is the establishment of CSC NIELIT Centers.

What is CSC NIELIT Center?

CSC NIELIT (National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology) Centers are a network of service delivery points that provide digital services and training to citizens in various areas such as e-governance, education, healthcare, and financial services. These centers are set up in collaboration with the government and private sector partners to offer access to digital infrastructure and services to rural and remote areas of India.

The CSC NIELIT centers offer a range of services, including computer training, digital literacy programs, online services, and e-commerce services, among others. The centers are equipped with modern computers, internet connectivity, and other necessary infrastructure to offer quality digital services.

How CSC NIELIT Centers are Empowering Digital India?

The CSC NIELIT centers are playing a crucial role in empowering citizens and businesses in India by offering access to digital infrastructure and services. Here are some ways in which the CSC NIELIT centers are empowering digital India:

  1. Digital Literacy: The CSC NIELIT centers offer digital literacy programs to citizens, which helps them acquire the necessary skills to use digital services and access government schemes.
  2. E-Governance: The CSC NIELIT centers are playing a vital role in the implementation of e-governance initiatives, such as the Digital India program. These centers offer access to various government services such as Aadhar card, PAN card, and passport services, among others.
  3. Financial Inclusion: The CSC NIELIT centers are promoting financial inclusion by offering access to banking services such as account opening, money transfer, and other financial services.
  4. Healthcare: The CSC NIELIT centers are also providing healthcare services to citizens through telemedicine facilities, which enables remote consultation and diagnosis.
  5. Employment Generation: The CSC NIELIT centers are creating employment opportunities for youth by offering training programs in digital skills, which enables them to get jobs in the IT sector.


The establishment of CSC NIELIT centers is a significant step towards the digital transformation of India. These centers are promoting digital literacy and offering access to digital infrastructure and services to every citizen. The CSC NIELIT centers are empowering citizens, businesses, and communities to participate in the digital economy and contribute to the growth of the nation. With the continued support of the government and private sector partners, the CSC NIELIT centers are poised to play a crucial role in the digital transformation of India.

Important Links

NIELIT CCC Course Student Registration using CSC: Click Here

New CSC Center Registration Process: Click Here

Free CCC and O level For OBC: Click here

CSC bank Mitra Apply online: Click Here

CSC Aadhaar Center Apply Online: Click Here

Qualifications Required to Open NIELIT Facilitation Center

  • आवेदक एक CSC Vle होना चाहिए
  • CSC Vle NIELIT CCC /MCA / Msc Computer Science / BE/ NIELIT O level/ A level/ C level Qualifier / BCA / PGDCA धारक होना चाहिए
  • Vle के पास कम से कम 200 Sgft. जगह होनी चाहिए
  • कम से कम 5-10 Computer होना चाहिए
  • Internet Connectivity होना चाहिए!
  • Battery / UPC / Invertor होना चाहिए
  • बिजली / सोलर की व्यवस्था
  • सेण्टर के हिसाब से उचित फर्नीचर
  • स्टडी के अनुकूल माहोल

Benefits Of CSC NIELIT Faciliation Center / नाईलिट सुविधा केन्द्र के लाभ

  • CSC Vle का CSC Center NIELIT सुविधा केन्द्र बन जायेगा
  • VLE अपने सेण्टर पर NIELIT CCC, BCC, MCC, ECC आदि पढ़ाने के लिए अधिकृत हो जायेंगे
  • VLE अपने सेण्टर के बोर्ड पर NIELIT का लोगो उपयोग कर सकते है!
  •  आपके CSC Center का नाम (CSC + CSC ID) आपके Student के CCC Certificate पर Institute Study Center के स्थान पर दिखाई देगा
  • आप अपने सेण्टर पढने वाले बच्चो से अपने हिसाब से शुल्क ले सकते है!
  • आप अपने सेण्टर लॉग इन से Student की फीस पेमेंट व एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड कर सकते है
  • CSC Center Login से स्टूडेंट के सर्टिफिकेट डाउनलोड कर सकते है!

How to Apply CSC NIELIT Facilitation Center Online

CSC के माध्यम से NIELIT Facilitation centre खोलने के लिए आपको सिर्फ एक फॉर्म भरना पड़ता है! और उसके बाद आपको इसके लिए आसानी से अप्रूवल मिल जाता है!

  • First of All Visit
  • Search NIELIT In Search Box
  • Click On NIELIT Facilitation Center
  • Fill Your CSC ID and Basic Details
  • Fill Infrastructure Details
  • Provide CCC Examination Details (VLE CCC Details)
  • Accept Declaration
  • Make Payment of 8260 using CSC wallet
  • in 1 Month You will get Your NEILIT Facilitation Center Details on your Email

How to Open NIELIT Exam Center / Examination Center Using CSC

NIELIT द्वारा कराये जाने वाले कंप्यूटर सर्टिफिकेट प्रोग्राम आजकल बहुत से सरकारी नौकरी आदि में भी मान्य किये जाते है! जिसके कारण एग्जाम पास होने के लिए लोग गलत तरीके अपनाने व नक़ल को रोकने के लिए! NIELIT द्वारा अभी सभी VLE को NIELIT CCC Exam Center नहीं दिया जाता है! किन्तु यदि आप एक CSC Vle है! और एजुकेशन में अच्छा काम करते है! तो आप CSC के माध्यम से CSC Academy Education Center के रूप में पंजीकरण कर सकते है! क्यूंकि Block Level High Standers CSC Academy Center पर IT Releated Exam करवाने के लिए ! CSC द्वारा अच्छा इन्वेस्टमेंट करवाया जाता है! जिसके कारण अब CSC Academy सेण्टर के माध्यम से Symboysis and IIBF के Exam center के रूप में चुने गए है! और यदि भविष्य में NIELIT के माध्यम से CSC के माध्यम से NIELIT CCC Exam Center खोले जायेंगे! तो इन्ही ब्लाक लेवल CSC Academy Center को ही इसका काम दिया जायेगा!

NIELIT Exam Center Kaise Khol Sakte hai

हालाँकि यदि आप NIELIT Exam center की Eligibility शर्तो को पूरा करते है! और तत्काल NIELIT CCC Exam Center खोलना चाहते है! तो आप अपने नजदीकी NIELIT Regional Office में संपर्क कर सकते है! और उनके द्वारा बताई गयी प्रक्रिया को पूरा करके एक NIELIT Study / Exam Center खोल सकते है!

यह भी पढ़े: CSC Academy Center

Apply NIELIT Exam Centre without CSC: Click here

How to Open NIELIT Facilitation Center Without CSC

दोस्तों अगर आप एक CSC Vle नहीं है! और NIELIT Facilation Center / NIELIT Exam Center खोलना चाहते है! तो आपको NEILIT Regional Office में संपर्क करना होगा! और बताये गए सभी मानक को पूरा करने के बाद! उनके द्वारा बताये गए Security Fee / Accrediation fee का भुगतान करना होगा! जिसके बाद ही आप NIELIT Faciliation Center के रूप में काम कर पाएंगे! लेकिन हम आपको यही Suggest करेंगे की यदि आप केवल NIELIT Study Center खोलना चाहते है! तो आप CSC के माध्यम से ही खोले आपको बिना किसी परेशानी जल्दी Approval मिल जायेगा! किन्तु एग्जाम सेण्टर के लिए आपको डायरेक्ट Regional Office से संपर्क करना होगा!

CSC NIELIT Center registration process in Hindi

सी एस सी NIELIT Faciliation center खोलने के लिए निचे बताये गए प्रोसेस को पूरा करे!

1. Login CSC Digital Seva Portal

login CSC Digital seva portal for csc tele medicine service

2. Search NIELIT In Digital Seva

Search for nielit in Search Box

3. Click on NIELIT Facilitation Center

click on NIELIT Faciliation Centerclick on NIELIT Faciliation Center CSC NIELIT Facilitation Exam Center

4. Click On CSC NIELIT Center Again

select nielit faciliation center from csc registration page

5. Fill Vle Details

fill vle details for NIELIT Center CSC NIELIT Facilitation Exam Center

6. Make payment Of 8260 for CSC NEILIT Facilitation centre

make payment of 8260 for csc ccc center registration