इस पोस्ट में क्या है?
CSC Olympiad Service
CSC Olympiad Service Student Registration Benefits CSC Academy Hindi Olympiad.in Syllabus and CSC Vle Olypiads portal www.cscolympiads.in for School Students from Class 3rd to 12th and Appear CSC Olympiads Examinations in Hindi, Mathematics, English, Science : सी एस सी ओलंपियाड सर्विसेज की सुरुवात CSC ceo श्री दिनेश त्यागी जी द्वारा की गयी थी एवं CSC olympiads.com के जरिये पूरे देश के Vles सभी स्कूल स्टूडेंट जो Class 3rd से 12 th के बिच पढ़ाई कर रहे है उन्हें रजिस्टर कर सकते है, आज इस पोस्ट में हम आपके साथ CSC Olympiad Exam Service के benefits and Registration Process, Vle Comission आदि के बारे में विस्तार से चर्चा करेंगे
यह भी पढ़े: CSC Aadhaar Update Center
What is CSC Olympiad / csc olympiad kya hai
CSC olympiad Class 3rd से लगा कर 12th तक स्कूल जाने वाले Students के लिए एक विशेष Service है जिसके जरिये वे अपनी स्कूल की पढ़ाई की तेयारी व अपनी आने वाली परीक्षाओ में अच्छे नंबर लाने के लिए CSC Olympiad Examination में Registration करवाकर 5 Mock Test दे सकते है और अपनी Learing Outcomes को CSC Olympiad Examination Evaluate करने के साथ ही अपनी परीक्षा के प्रति तय्यारी की जाँच कर सकते है और अपनी Performance Analysis के माध्यम से अपनी कमजोर Topics को और मजबूत कर सकते है जिससे उन्हें अपनी परीक्षा रिजल्ट को सुधारने में बहुत मदद मिलेगी
Specifically Designed forClass 3 to Class 12 ,Online सी एस सी ओल्यामपीयाड to exponentially increase the reach across India. CSC Olympiad Syllabus Benefits is Bilingual (Hindi & English), to increase participation of Small Towns & Villages through our VLE network and channel.
Benefits Of CSC Olympiads
- Five (5) Mock Tests, on the latest pattern and syllabus various standard boards, to assist them to prepare for the VLE Olympiad
- Learning Outcomes will be evaluated twice for each grade by having Mock Test and CSC Olympiad Examination.
- This will create and inculcate competitive spirit in students.
- In-depth Performance Analysis of the student will be provided to help improve their scores in various subjects.
Objective Of CSC Olympiads Exam / उद्देश्य
- To make reach about Common Services Center CSC in every house of the Country through registration of Students in Urban and Rural.
- To create equal opportunity for Small Town & Village students, as it is for Urban students.
- Provide a platform to test students Learning Outcomes Grade wise.
- To create and inculcate competitive spirit amongst the students.
- Create awareness and help them prepare better for the future.
- Popularizing academic competitive examination and preparation.
- Development of competitive spirit amongst the students
दोस्तों सी एस सी Olympiads Examinations मुख्यतः 2 Phase में होती है Phase 1 and Phase 2
Phase 1
CSC Academy – National Hindi Olympiad – CANHO (Class 6th to 12th)
The CSC Academy – National Mathematics Olympiads – CANMO (class 3rd to 12th)
CSC Academy – National English Olympiad – CANEO (class 3rd to 12th)
CSC Academy – National Science Olympiad – CANSO (class 3rd to 10th)
Especial Science Olympiads for Class XI and XII
CSC Academy – National Physics Olympiad – CANPO
Vle CSC Academy – National Chemistry Olympiad – CANCO
CSC Academy – National Biology Olympiad – CANBO
Phase- 2
For all Classes from 3rd to 12th
CSC Academy – National General Knowledge Olympiad – CANGO
Vle CSC Academy – National Cyber Olympiad – CANCYO
CSC Academy – National Logical Reasoning – CANRO
CSC Olympiad Student Registration Process
- Go to https://www.cscacademy.org/
- Login Using CSC id and Password
- Click On Student Registration Under सी एस सी ओल्याम्पियाड
- Single time registration of student on our portal (Class 3 to 12)
- For every Olympiad, the student needs to pay.
- Registration charges are Rs 125/- per Olympiad.
Payment Methods
For Each Student registration in Above Service Vle Have to make a Payment of Rs 125 Using CSC Wallet, However if Payment is made Under CSR Funds then contact your CSC DM For More Information.
- VLE (CSC Wallet)
- Students
- Schools
- Private agencies
- Public/Private/ State Govt through there CSR funds and various other methods.
Vle Comission in CSC Academy Olympiad Student Registration
Note Vle Commission of Rs 35 Will be reimbursed back by CSC Academy in the first Week of Every Week.
CSC Olympiad Student Login Portal Dashboard
सी एस सी CSC Olympiad Dashboard Student Syllabus Login Portal
Olympiad Exam Result
प्रत्येक Mock Test के बाद Student Login पर कुछ इस तरह का Result Card दिखायी देगा
Olympiad Training and Quiz Module At Student Login
प्रत्येक स्टूडेंट को Olympiad portal Student Login पर प्रत्येक Question के सामने Detailed Solution and Question answers Explanation दिया होता है जिससे Students को बहुत जल्द आपनी गलतियों का पता लग जाता है
Olympiad Question and Answers Mock test Performance Graph
प्रत्येक स्टूडेंट को सी एस सी ओल्याम्पीयाड माक टेस्ट के बाद उसकी performance को समझाने के लिए Percentage , Accuracy, Aptitude के ग्राफ व मीटर द्वारा स्कोर बोर्ड को समझाया जाता है
Reward and Recognition / प्रोत्साहन सम्मान प्रमाण पत्र
CSC Olympiad Syllabus में भाग लेने वाले प्रत्येक Student को इस परीक्षा में भाग लेने वाले क्षात्रो के हिसाब से उनके द्वारा पाए गए अंको के हिसाब से District, State, National Level रैंक दी जाती है
Each student who has appeared for the सी एस सी Olympiad will get his/her individual ranking, amongst the students After That who have appeared for the सी एस सी Olympiad.
The Ranks will be given as per the following
- District Rank
- State Rank
- National Rank
CSC academy olympiad award and Ranking Mechanism / Eligibility Criteria
- Gold Prize- Top 3 Students Will be Rewarded with 51000 Rupees Cash Prize
- Silver Prize – 5 Students will be Awarded with cash prize of 21000
- Bronze Prize – 10 Students will Be Awarded with Cash Prize of 11000
- Participation Certificate to all Students and students who secure 70% marks and Above will Get Certificate of Excellence.
- Top Rankers School Principals and teachers/Parent may be invited and Honored in Event. Management May Be Decide more prize
- Awardee Declaration – 24 April
- Award Ceremony / Distribution of Award – 4th May
Note: उपरोक्त नियम शर्तो व रिवॉर्ड प्राइज की स्पस्ट जानकारी के लिए cscolympiad.in पर विजिट करे अथवा अपने CSC District Manager से कन्फर्म कर ले
CSC Olympiad Certificate
सी एस सी Olympiad Exam के भीतर बेहतर अंक प्राप्त करने वाले सभी स्टूडेंट्स को एक Olympiad Certificate जारी किया जाता है
First week of August is finished so where is my exam date for class 7 science
Date is given but at time exam will start