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इस पोस्ट में क्या है?
CSC Telecentre Entrepreneur Course (TEC )
VLE CSC Telecentre Entrepreneur Course (TEC ) , दोस्तों जैसा की आप सभी को ज्ञात है! की CSC SPV यानी Common Service Center के माध्यम से आज देश के लगभग सभी सरकारी विभागों व सरकारी योजनाओ का क्रियान्वन CSC CENTER के माध्यम से किया जा रहा है! जो सेण्टर देश की प्रत्येक ग्राम पंचायत में उसी गाँव के रहने वाले स्थानीय लोगो द्वारा संचालित किया जाता है जिन्हें VLE कहते है!
CSC TEC Certification Course
जिसका अर्जोथ है की यह केन्द्र सामान्यतः न्यूनतम 10TH यानी दसवी पास VLE से लगा के Graduate and Post Graduate VLE द्वारा भी संचालित किया जाता है!
चूकी सभी VLES अलग अलग समाज और अलग अलग शैक्षिक लेवल के होते है! इसलिए उन्हें सरकार की विभिन्न योजनाओ खास कर CSC CENTER को कैसे चलाना है कैसे लोगो से बात करनी है
बताने के लिए CSC द्वारा एक COURSE बनाया गया है जिसका नाम CSC Telecentre Entrepreneur Course (TEC ) है! जिसमे CSC ECOSYSTEM की लगभग सभी चीजो को बहुत अच्छे से समझाया गया है! ताकि सभी VLE अपना काम अच्छे से और प्रोफेशनल तरीके से कर सके
CSC VLE कैसे बन सकते है?
दोस्तों CSC VLE बनाने के लिए आपको CSC के रजिस्ट्रेशन पोर्टल पर जाकर एक ऑनलाइन करना होता है! जिसके बाद लगभग एक महीने के अन्दर आपको आपका VLE ID यानी CSC ID आपके पंजीकृत ईमेल पर भेज दिया जाता है!
CSC VLE Registration Portal:
यह भी पढ़े: How To Apply A CSC Center Online
About Telecentre entrepreneur course (Tec)
CSC Telecentre Entrepreneur Course, CSC Acadmey द्वारा डिजाईन किया गया एक सर्टिफिकेशन कोर्स है! जो NEW Vles को CSC की विभिन्न सर्विसेज में कैसे काम करना है! सेण्टर पर आने वाले लोगो से कैसे बात चीत करनी है! आदि के जरिये एक Professional Vle Network का निर्माण करना है, ताकि वे बेहतर तरीके से देश के लोगो की सेवा कर सके और अपना रोजगार का निर्माण कर सके!
How to Join CSC Telecentre Entrepreneur
दोस्तों csc tec कोर्स को ज्वाइन करने के लिए –
- सर्व प्रथम पर जाए
- फिर वेबसाइट पर दिए गए Login With Us वाले लिंक पर क्लिक करे
- और फिर यदि आप एक vle है तो Login With Digital Seva Portal पर क्लिक करे
- यदि आप एक आम नागरिक है और vle बनाना चाहते है तो Login As Guest पर क्लिक करे
- फिर अपनी जानकारी साझा करे और कोर्स के module पढ़े
- और कोर्स पूरा होने के बाद फाइनल एग्जाम दे
CSC TEC Course का Exam कहाँ होगा
सी एस सी टेली सेंटर कोर्स का एग्जाम देने के लिए आपको कही भी भाग दौड़ करने की जरुरत नहीं है! यह एग्जाम आप अपने घर बैठे – ऑनलाइन कंप्यूटर के माध्यम से पूरा कर सकते है!
How To Get CSC Tec Certificate
सी एस सी Tele-center कोर्स को पूरा करने पर आपको एक ऑनलाइन एग्जाम देना होता है! जिसमे सफल होने यानी पास होने पर आपको सी एस सी की तरफ से एक सर्टिफिकेट जारी किया जाता है! जो आप एग्जाम पास होने के बाद आप अपने कंप्यूटर से डाउनलोड करे!
TEC Final Exam को पास करने के लिए कितने नंबर होने चाहिए?
CSC TEC Final Exam में कुल 50 प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे! जिसमे पास होने के लिए 50% अंक लाना जरूरी है!
Module 1 : Telecentre
Telecentre offers a wide range of communication services depend- ing on the needs of the community
some of these services are free or subsidized by external bodies such as governments or NGOs.
The main objective of Telecentres is to ensure equal access to necessary services across the whole
population in the country These services includes access to information, access to e-gov services,
communication with others, access to online services that are of other entities such as banks,
online utility bill payment, flight booking etc.
Module 2: entrepreneur & entrepreneurship
The module shares about different features of Entrepreneurs & Entrepreneurship
The entrepreneur is commonly Considered as a Business innovator and Leader of new ideas and Business Processes.
Entrepreneurs are commonly seen as shouldering individual risk, as organizing a business process,
Setting up new ventures and as profiting from these ventures.
Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and run- ning a new business, which is often
initially, a small business and the people who create these businesses are called entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurship has been described as the “capacity and willingness to develop, organize and
manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit.
Module 3: G2c & B2c services
The module covers an overview of G2C & B2C services, further, it explains its objectives and the purpose
of its establishment. e- a District is an integrated approach for delivery of citizen services by district administration
through automation of backend, workflow based on process redesign and data digitization across participating departments.
The e-District concept was conceptualized to improve. this experience and enhance the efficiencies of the various Departments
at the district-level to enable seamless service delivery to the citizen.
Module 4: common services centre scheme The
module conceptualizing about the CSC services initiated by MeitY. It shares detailed in- formation about CSC ecosystem,
VLE’s role and responsibilities, the process of becoming a VLE. Adding to this it also tells about VLE
csc society and its functions and different criteria to form a VLE society
Module 5: Digital Seva portal
The CSC Telecentre Entrepreneur Course Cover Modules of about Digital Seva portal which is specially
designed for the VLE who work in the ecosystem of CSC. Each VLE is provided with his dashboard,
where he/she is able to view different products that are made available through this portal.
Module 6: Digital securities and Wellness
Cyber Wellness refers to the positive well-being of Internet users and healthy cyberculture for the Internet community.
It involves an understanding of the risks of harmful online behavior, an awareness of how to protect oneself and
other Internet users from such behavior and recognition of the power of the Internet to benefit oneself and the community at large.
Module 7: Finance and Accounting
Finance and Accounting is the process of recording, summarizing and reporting the myriad of transactions resulting from business operations over a period of time. These transactions are sum-
marized in the preparation of financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement, that encapsulate the company’s operating performance over a specified period.
Module 8: Goods and Services Tax (GST)
GST- Goods and Services Tax is an indirect tax levied in India on the sale of goods and services.
IN GST Goods and services are divided into five tax slabs for collection of tax – 0%, 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%.
Petroleum products and alcoholic drinks are taxed separately by the individual state governments.
The tax came into effect from July 1, 2017, through the implementation of one hundred and first amendments
by the Government of India
Module 9 – soft skills
Soft skills are character traits and interpersonal skills that characterize a person’s relationships with other people.
In CSC Center or Workshop, Soft skills are
as a complement to hard skills. Which refers to a person’s knowledge and occupational skills,
Sociologists may use the term soft skills to describe a person’s “EQ” or “Emotional Intelligence
Quotient,” as opposed to “IQ” or “Intelligence Quotient.”
Module 10 – Business communication
Business Communication is a mutual exchange of understanding, originating with the receiver.
Communication needs to be effective in business. Communication is the essence of management.
The basic functions of management (Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling) cannot be performed well without effective communication.
The Telecentre Entrepreneur Course facilitates citizens to access computers, the Internet and other digital technologies to gather information, create, learn, and communicate with others while they develop essential digital skills. While each Telecentre entrepreneur is different, their common focus is on using digital technologies to support the community through economic, educational and social inclusion by bridging the digital divide.
The main objective of the Telecentre Entrepreneur Course (TEC) is to create awareness among the Village level Entrepreneur (VLE) and citizens about various government services provided by Common Services Centres and to make them certified under Telecentre Entrepreneur Course (TEC).
For more details, please contact Mr. Deepak Sharma and Mr. Varun Chauhan
CSC टेलीसेंटर उद्यमी पाठ्यक्रम (टीईसी) के तहत बनें एक प्रमाणित उद्यमी
टेलीसेंटर उद्यमी कोर्स नागरिकों को कंप्यूटर, इंटरनेट और अन्य डिजिटल प्रौद्योगिकियों तक पहुंचने के लिए आवश्यक बनाता है ताकि वे आवश्यक डिजिटल कौशल विकसित करते समय दूसरों को जानकारी इकट्ठा करा सकें, सीख सकें, सिखा सकें और संवाद कर सकें। हालांकि प्रत्येक टेलीसेंटर उद्यमी अलग होता है, उनका सामान्य फोकस डिजिटल विभाजन को ब्रिजिंग करके आर्थिक, शैक्षणिक और सामाजिक समावेश के माध्यम से समुदाय का समर्थन करने के लिए डिजिटल प्रौद्योगिकियों का उपयोग करना है।
टेलीसेंटर एंटरप्रेनर कोर्स (टीईसी) का मुख्य उद्देश्य ग्राम स्तरीय उद्यमी (वीएलई) और कॉमन सर्विस सेंटर द्वारा प्रदान की जाने वाली विभिन्न सरकारी सेवाओं के बारे में नागरिकों के लिए जागरूकता पैदा करना है।
अधिक जानकारी के लिए, कृपया श्री दीपक शर्मा और श्री वरुण चौहान से संपर्क करें।
What Tec course age limit.
TEC final exam kitne baar de sakte hain
Course completed on 14.06.2020 but till now didnot received certificate. What to do??
Mr Navale Amol Khandu I am completed TEC assessment 8 days agao but not received tec certificate plz check
Respected sir,
I am Navale Amol Khandu Dated – 15/6/2020 ko TEC ka Registration kiya hai our Dated – 16/6/2020 ko TEC ka pure 10 assessment complete kiye hai but login karne ke bad assessment completed =0 dhikh raha hai shaied update nahi huva lagta hai. our TEC Certificate abhitak nahi aaya 8 days complete huye plz check my details.
I am completed TEC Course Completed on 16/6/2020 but till now did not received certificate. What to do??
I am completed tec course on 16/6/2020 but till now did not received certificate what to do?
I have been complete registration against TEC certificate with registration fees. But I can not recieve use login and password.please do somelse in my favour.
Payment done but username and password not received..
I have paid Rs.1479.72 by using by debit card for TEC certification for CSC on 18th June no message received for login & password in my mobile or email
Can you help me
मैंने 15 जून को tec का एग्जाम दिया था अभी तक सर्टिफिकेट नहीं मिला है
Rabin Chatterjee ,west bengal, Nadia.I have registered for TEC exam and completed the payment.but I didn’t receive the user name and password yet.can you help me.
use forget password option to get user id and Password
Name mismatch problam please Help me
Suryavansh & Suryawanshi
Hi. I have same issue. Did you get solution?
I had registered for TEC no. along with payment of 1479.72 vide using cr. Card, confirmed payment through card statement. But still no user ID and password. Dated. 20.06.2020
Have you received any confirmation
Presently i am in same situation
Reply me to
I had registered today for TEC paid successfully(transaction no:536931) Rs.1479.72 thru SBI debit card but no user ID & password received.
contact :9038159849 kolkata
i had registered t for TEC ,sucessfully payment made via SBI debit card(Transaction no:536931 ),but no user ID & password received.
kindly help me to get.
dtd 22-06-2020
Sir mene payment successful hone par bhi technical issues Field bata diya gya wewsite par or jab back karke fir se khola portal to fir se payment ka option aa rha hai mene kal 11 am par payment kiya tha abhi tak mujhe id password bhi nhi mila hai
Sir maine bhi 1479.72 payment kar diya galti se 2 bar but ek bar bhi id password nhi aaya mere mail ya sms pe plz help me
Bikash kumar Jaiswal
I had registered for TEC EXAMINATION along with payment of RS. 1479.72 using ONLINE . Confirmed payment. but i didnt recive no user name and password. pls help me.
I have received login details after paying registration fee but guest login is disabled in csc portal.
Login as a Guest (Coming Soon). Where to login now for completing the course and TEC certification?
You all should download consumer app from playstore and register a complain with your payment details on this app. Register your complain on this app against the company csc e Governence india ltd. Share your complain id with me on 9415656464.
This facility is available only for the candidates whose payment done but user id not generated.
I had paid amount 1479/- after transaction successfully showing on bank details but i couldn’t get any confirmation from TEC Centre (B2B) on mail or message.
Please kindly requesting please solve the issue,
Dear Sir/ Madam: Kindly wait for the final online exam once you clear all the 10 assessments certificate will be generate on clearing the final online exame aisa likh ke aaya hai kya krna padega
Bhai hame to lagta hai csc ham sabhi ko dhokha de raha hai Hamare paise katkar lambe samay se TEC certificate generate nahi kar raha hai. Garibo ki badua lagegi tum logo ke uper.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have done payment for the TEC and I have received password and ID too. I am able to view all the learning modules however I am not able to see assessment on my dashboard. Could you please let me know to whom I should contact regarding it.
Warm Regards
Hello sir,
TEC के एग्जाम देने के बाद अभी तक ना तो certificate download ho रहा है और ना ही ऑनलाइन एग्जाम का कोई ऑप्शन दिख रहा है। Lockdawn के बाद मुझे काम भी नहीं मिला एक उमीद थी कि शायद सीएससी में ज्वाइन होकर कुछ काम करेगा और आत्मनिर्भर बनुगा मगर मुझे उम्मीद की कोई किरण नजर नहीं आ रही। दीपक जी और वरुण जी के साथ सीएससी में भी मेल किया था मगर कोई reply नहीं मिल रहा है। आप ही बताए इंतज़ार कितना किया जाय और किस्से मदद मांगी जाए?
मुझे 10 कार्य दिवस के बाद भी TEC CERTIFICATE मेरी ID पर अपलोड नहीं की गयी है जबकि यह लिखा हुवा है की 7 कार्य दिवस में सर्टिफिकेट अपलोड नहीं की गयी है
same here
Hello Sir,
I am Anjali Devi from Bankat raut Post Maskanwa Distt Gonda U.p. pin 271305 say that, I applied for
TEC Examination Certificate and completed the payment but i did not recieve
id password of TEC. i was applied on Dtd 24/06/2020
Kindly solve this problem then i can clear the assessment of TEC and get CSC id
for my business at my location.
This is for favour of your kind information and necessary action.
(Name) Anjali Devi
(Full Address) Vill Bankat Rut Post Msaknwa Distt Gonda U.P. Pin- 271305
(Mobile No..) 9648389854
सर जी TEC REGISTRATION 24/06/2020 को किया था जो कि फोनपे मे सफल हो गया और ब्राउज़र मे फ़ेल हो गया फ़िर मै 30/06/2020 तक इंतजार किया लेकिन न तो पैसा वापिस आया न हीं यूजर आईडी मिला तो मैंने 01/07/2020 को दुबारा रजिस्ट्रेशन किया तो आईडी पासस्वर्ड मिल गया। लेकिन अभी तक 24 जून का पैसा अभी तक वापिस नहीं आया, अतः आपसे सविनय निवेदन है कि मेरा फंसा हुआ पैसा वापिस दिलाने कि कृपा करे आपकी महान कृपा होगी
MOB. 9648389854
TRANSECTION ID- URN- 017614014805
Even I’m.also registered and payment done successfully user ID and password yet received
dear sir how to change a Tec certificate Name correction
I made payment on 20-07-2020 regarding TEC course,still know I don’t get userid&password. Plz solve my problem… contact number 9618322737
Made payment but i did not receive username and password. Please resolve my issue.
And none of the contacts that they provide are working.
Payment done but I’d and password is not received please help me how to get I’d and password????
Hi si i am TEC Exam completed but not received tec certificate plz replay
Hi sir i am tec ka exam diya hai but not received tec certificate plz check
TECTEC Registration on Dated 15/6/2020 ko kiya tec assessment completed on 16/6/2020 ko kiy but abhi tak tec ka certificate nahi aaya.
1 mont ho gaya tec ka exam deke but not received tec certificate
Hi Team,
I’ve cleared all the 10 Assessments and final online exam also, but the certificate is not appearing on the dashboard. If I try to take the final exam again, it’s showing the message that ‘you already passed the exam, please go to Dashboard for downloading the certificate’ but no download button, icon, interface, instructions are there in order to get the Certificate. Please look into this issue and provide a solution.
before 2 weeks i am trying to register for TEC Certificate…but due to network issue…i have not done payment and now i am retrying to register with same email i am not able to fill that email me to fix this issue…
सर मैंने भी 10 असाइनमेंट कंप्लीट किया है लेकिन अभी तक मेरा जो सर्टिफिकेट है डाउनलोड नहीं हो रहा है 10 के 10 असल में टीवी अभी भी कंप्लीट नहीं ऐसा बोल रहा है डैशबोर्ड में जो मैट्रिक एग्जाम के ऊपर लिंक करता हूं तब एग्जाम का फाइनल एग्जाम नहीं लेता है इसलिए अभी मुझे क्या करना है सर धन्यवाद
I have applied for TEC certificate for which payment done successfully. But I have not received user id and password for course and examination. What should I do? Plz reply.
Mr. sir, if there is an error while applying, how is the amendment done. Please tell.
Hi, I have done registration and payment process. But still i didn’t get user name and password. can you please help me to get username and password?
Sir,I have done registration and payment process. But still I did not get user name and andpass word .can you help me to get user name and
I’m not able to register in csc Using OTP and finger print.
But I got Otp on mobile no. And e-mail as well.
It shows unknown error.
What will be the solution for that..?? Please help to find.
Logion as guest ka option kab tak Open hoga
Assessment exm 1dyny ky bad dusara nahi open ho raha aap hi batao kysy kary iska solution
Hi sir I have done registration and payment process but not received username and password ,my mail id
try in eary morning or if still not resolved then kindly drop an email to email ids given on the portal
I received the CSC TEC ID and password and able to login successfully also paid 1497/- online. But not able to view any assessments.
What is the procedure to get the assessments enabled? Please help out.
study course and then complete your assignment and final exam
Dear Sir,
We apply for TEC certificate & paid 1479.72 Rs thru ICCI Bank on 21st Sept2020 but still we did not receive username & password for Certificate Course in Entrepreneurship (CCE). I send u mail on , &
Please do needful & reply me soon , I am waiting for your kind reply.
use forget user id and password option to get your username and password
I have received my TEC CERTIFICATE but csc registration not proceed because system shown ur TEC CERTIFICATE NO. is invalid .
Kindly solve my issue and guidance for the registration process.
Gagandip Singh
there is some problem in system kindly wait or drop an email at the given email id on CSC TEC portal
I have received my certificate but cannot register in csc registration portal. It always shows “invalid certificate”. Any solution to this?
Thanks in advance.
kindly wait or drop a email on given email ids on tec and registration portal
23 October 2020 CSC registration open or closed sir. Plz give me replay thank you
I Have payment done but is not receive d user id and password pls resolved this problem
use forget password option or cantact on given numbers on tec website
sir मैंने csc में रजिस्ट्रेशन किया तो एक बार तो incorrect banking की वजह से रिजेक्ट हो गया जब उसको ठीक किया तो POI और POA is not clear की वजह से रिजेक्ट हो गया है और कहा गया है कि फिर से सही भरिये जब हमने आधार को अच्छी तरह से download किया तो तब से फॉर्म submit नहीं हो रहा है कई दिनों से try कर रहा हूँ लेकिन अभी तक submit नहीं हो पाया है status में भी वही पुराना इंटरफ़ेस दिखा रहा है कि आप फिर से poi और poa की साफ़ एमागे download कीजिये प्लीज help me now thanking you sir मेरा TEC4107744879 aur Registration Refrence no 6202898656224716
apply with fingerprint, for help contact nearest CSC centre
Hlo sir,
maine apna personal details fill kiya or submit kar di, payment bhi ho chuka hai, Registration ho gaya hai but i can’t get username, plzzz help me…
good afternoon sir
I have done CSC assessment and Pleases Tell me CSC Final exam passing marks
Dear sir ,, aaj mene TEC ka registraion kiya tha or payment bhi clear hone ke bad , mail id or mobile no. user or password nahi aaya , lekin portal per jo user id mili thi ussue login nahi ho rha hai, invalid user or password show ho rha hai plz rply and help
Am also a same problem, any update for you?
Same problem brother… Forget password bhi kiye lekin nhi aaya …20 days ho chuke hai..
Vikash chauhan and deepak sharma dono ko bhut baar mail kiye lekin koi reply nhi aaya aur n hi format password se aaya…Ye sab fraud ho rahi hai…
I hav done payment but not received user I’d and password
contact csc tec support
सर मैंने TEC का रजिस्टेसन किया जिसमे मेरा 1479 कट गया और user name और पासवर्ड नहीं मिला फॉरगेट पासवर्ड करने पर मोबाईल नम्बर रजिस्टर नहीं बताता और फिर से रजिस्टर करने पर ऑलरेडी इमेल रजिस्टर बताता है सर मेरी मदत करो और tec वाले रिप्यल भी नहीं करते है
Mohammad Irfan, MalerKotla Distt. Sangrur, Punjab. I have registered for TEC exam and completed the payment. but I didn’t receive the user name and password yet. Can you help me
Hi i am Rajesh i have completed my CSC exam and got the certificate. what is the next procedure please guide
I completed my all 10 assment before around 40 days,bug still final exams option not show.on dashboars or anywhere on the portal.
I already send email but not give solution by mail.
So please tell me how can I resolve this issue.
Email: Call: Timings: 9:30 am to 6:00 pm (Monday to Saturday) Mr. Varun Chauhan – (+91 9625679885) Mr. Deepak Sharma – (+91 7800080439)
I am not completing final term exam in 2020 .In this moment log in is not opened.My user name in TEC6059735363 .Sir please open the login to complete the certificate course.
Email: Call: Timings: 9:30 am to 6:00 pm (Monday to Saturday) Mr. Varun Chauhan – (+91 9625679885) Mr. Deepak Sharma – (+91 7800080439)
Dear Sir,
Herewith iam informing you that, I have applied my name Sreekant H A, instead of Sreekanth H A. Kindly update.
Sreekanth H A