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CSC Bank Bc Agent Advisory on ₹ 2000 Denomination Bank Note


CSC Bank Bc Agent Advisory on ₹ 2000 Denomination Bank Note Discontinue the issue of ₹ 2000 bank note immediately. Deposit of ₹ 2000 banknotes may continue as per the normal banking practice. Currency exchange against ₹ 2000 bank note to be accepted from May 23, 2023, onwards. Allow exchange only upto ₹ 4000 per day for our account holder. Maintain records of Exchange and Deposit/EMI Collection (details to be captured attached). Guidelines as per Reserve Bank of India Circular RBI/2023-24/32 DCM(PIg) No.S-236/10.27.00/2023-24. BC Agent should not charge Customer for Cash Deposit and exchange of 2000 denominations directly or indirectly. BC [...]

CSC Bank Bc Agent Advisory on ₹ 2000 Denomination Bank Note2023-05-24T21:14:39+05:30

CSC IDBI Bank BC Zero Balance Account opening now live in BC KBS portal


CSC IDBI Bank BC CSC (Common Services Center) is a government initiative that provides various digital services to citizens across India. BC stands for Business Correspondent, who have authorized agents of banks who act as a link between the bank and the customers in remote or underserved areas. IDBI Bank is one of the banks that has authorized CSCs to act as their Business Correspondents. This enables CSCs to provide banking services such as account opening, cash deposits, withdrawals, and other related services on behalf of IDBI Bank. CSC IDBI Bank BC (Business Correspondent) refers to the partnership between IDBI Bank [...]

CSC IDBI Bank BC Zero Balance Account opening now live in BC KBS portal2023-03-25T09:53:34+05:30

CSC Common Branding Paint Funds For Digital Village


CSC Common Branding CSC Common Branding Paint Funds यह फण्ड सामान्यतः कॉमन सर्विस सेण्टर के संचालक वी एल ई को अपने सेण्टर को पेण्ट करवाने और सेण्टर पर समुचित फ्लेक्स, बैनर, स्टैंडी आदि उपलब्ध करवाकर पूरे  भारत में सभी CSC Centers को एक जैसा Look देने के उद्देश्य से दिया जा रहा है, जिससे सभी वी एल ई अपने सेण्टर को बेहतर पेण्ट और सुविधाओ से लैस कर सके, इस पोस्ट में आपसे CSC Common Branding Paint Fund के बारे में डिटेल से जानकारी साझा करेंगे सी एस सी डिजिटल विलेज योजना की जानकारी हेतु यहाँ क्लिक करे CSC [...]

CSC Common Branding Paint Funds For Digital Village2020-05-07T14:52:33+05:30
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