इस पोस्ट में क्या है?
About CSC
दोस्तों CSC E-governance Services India Ltd भारत सरकार के Minisitry Of Electronics के अधीन काम करने वाली एक संस्था है! जो गाँव व कस्बो में वहां के लोकल बेरोजगार व्यक्तियों व कारोबारियों को Village Level Entrepreneur CSC Vle के माध्यम से आम जन मानस तक तमाम सरकारी व गैर सरकारी योजनाओ का लाभ पहुचाने का काम करती है! और प्रत्येक CSC Vle की पहचान के लिए उन्हें एक 12 अंको का Unique CSC ID प्रदान किया जाता है! जिसके माध्यम से वे CSC के Official Portal CSC Digital Seva को लॉग इन करते है! और उनकी CSC ID पर किये गए काम के हिसाब से उन्हें कमीशन दिया जाता है! ग्रामीण लोगो को लाभ पहुचाने के लिए! CSC SPV द्वारा प्रत्येक ग्राम पंचायत में न्यूनतम 1 CSC Center / CSC Vle की स्थापना की जाती है!
What is the Common Services Center In CSC
Common Service Center , CSC के Village Level Entreprenuer द्वारा संचालित किया जाने वाला एक Center होता है! जहाँ जाकर या जिसके माध्यम से उस गाँव या कसबे में रहने वाले नागरिक! अपने नजदीकी Common Service Center पर जाकर तमाम सरकारी योजनाओ का लाभ उठा सकते है! और यह सेण्टर CSC Vle जो की ग्रामीण लेवल उद्यमी होता है! CSC सेण्टर को खोलने व संचालन में लगने वाल खर्च CSC Vle द्वारा लगाया जाता है! और किये गए काम पर मिलने वाले कमीशन ही CSC Vle का मुनाफा होता है!
यह भी पढ़े: How to Open New CSC Center
CSC 2.0
सी एस सी योजनाओ का बेहतर क्रियान्वन करने के लिए 2016 में CSC 2.0 की शुरुवात की गयी थी जिसमें प्रत्येक गाँव में कम से कम 1 Common Service Center खोलने के उद्देश्य के साथ प्रत्येक District में CSC District Manager की नियुक्ति की गयी थी! किन्तु पूरे डिस्ट्रिक्ट की जिम्मेदारी CSC vle को काम देने की जिम्एमेदारी एक व्यक्ति के पास होने से बहुत से भ्रस्ताचार व भेदभाव आदि की शिकायते आने के बाद व योजनाओ के और बेहतर क्रियान्वन के लिए प्रत्येक District में District Service Provider का चयन किया जायेगा!
CSC 3.0 क्या है
CSC Yojana को और लाभकारी बनाने के लिए और सरकार द्वारा दी रही योजनाओं का लाभ देश के प्रत्येक नागरिक खासकर ग्रामीण भारत में निवास कर रहे है! आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर व कम पढ़े लिखे लोगो को बिना भाग दौड़ उनके घर पर ही तमाम सरकारी व गैर सरकारी योजनाओं जैसे – आय प्रमाण पत्र , निवास प्रमाण पात्र, आयुष्मान भारत Health Card व खाने पिने के सामान की Home Delivery की जाएगी! और लोगो को इन योजनाओ कालाभ पहुचाने के लिए प्रत्येक Gram panchayat में कम से कम 5 Digital Cadets की नियुक्ति की जाएगी!
यह भी पढ़े: CSC Digital Cadets की नियुक्ती प्रक्रिया
Selection Of District Service Providers For Establishment of CSC Jan Suvidha Kendra
साथ ही इस योजना के सफल क्रियान्वन के लिए प्रत्येक डिस्ट्रिक्ट में एक -2 Service Provider की नियुक्ति की जाएगी जो जिले के भीतर New Common Service Center खोलने व तमाम सरकारी योजनाओं का क्रियान्वन करवाने में CSC Vle की मदद करेंगे! इन CSC District Service Providers का चयन E Tender Notice CSC 3.0 प्रक्रिया के माध्यम से किया जायेगा! और Eligibility को पूरा करने वाले Tender भरने वाले आवेदकों का चयन District e-Governance Society द्वारा किया जयेअगा!
District Wise Selected Service Provider List For CSC 3.0
CSC 3.0 Scheme के नियमानुसार प्रत्येक District में दो डिस्ट्रिक्ट सर्विस प्रोवाइडर चयन की प्रक्रिया पूर्ण हो गयी है! अब आप अपने जिले में चयनित डिस्ट्रिक्ट सर्विस प्रोवाइडर के साथ दिनांक 15 Nov 2020 तक अपना VLE ID Map करवा सकते है! District Service Provider न चुनने की दशा में आपका Vle ID View Only हो जायेगा! जिसपे केवल पूर्व में भरे गए आवेदन ही दिख पाएंगे नए आवेदन भरना संभव नहीं होगा!
District Wise District Service Provider List: Download
Main Features of CSC 3.o
- तमाम सरकारी सेवाओ की होम डेलिवरी
- लोगो की सेवाए घर घर पहुचाने हेतु प्रत्येक गाँव में 5 Digital Cadets की नियुक्ति
- घर घर जाकर लोगो को योजनाओं की जानकारी देना
- लोगो को खाने पिने व डेली उपययोग की चीजे पहुचना
- Women Empowerment
- प्रत्येक जिले में District Service Provider का चयन
- District Serviice Provider द्वारा New CSC Center खोले जाने हेतु शुल्क लेना
- प्रत्येक गाँव में CSC Center की मौजूदगी
- तमाम लाभकारी योजनाओं का समयबद्ध क्रियान्वन
CSC 3.o की अधिक जानकारी के लिए निचे दिए विडियो को वाच करे
How to Become CSC District Service Provider
CSC 3.0 में CSC District Service Provider बनाने के लिए आप सरकार की https://etender.up.gov.in/ पर जाकर ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते है! अथवा अपने जिले के डिस्ट्रिक्ट e-Governance Society / विकास भवन में संपर्क करे!
Download District Service Provider tender File
Project Background
This Request for Proposal (RFP) is being released by the Centre for e-Governance for the successful operations of the existing 80,000 (approx.) Common Services Centers (CSC’s) also known as Jan Sewa Kendra in all the 75 Districts of Uttar Pradesh. The successful bidders shall enter into an agreement with the District e-Governance Society after the bid-process completion. The successful bidder shall also abide to open new centres whenever required after approval from DeGS. Modern administrative systems have become more and more information-based. This has profoundly altered the environment in which Governments, Citizens and other organizations operate. It has also influenced the way in which new systems are being designed. Common Service Centers/ Jan Suvidha Kendras are an excellent e-Governance initiative of Govt. of Uttar Pradesh being implemented at each District Level. The initiative is not only giving a practical shape to the Right of the Citizens to receive Government Services near to their home. These centres are also creating job opportunities for the educated but unemployed youth of the Districts of UP. Common Service Center is a unique public-private partnership program, which gives citizens an opportunity to interact with the Government without coming to any Government office.
CSC Jan Seva Kendra
The Jan Seva Kendras have been envisioned as the front end delivery points for the Government, Business and Social Services to all citizens. As on 1st Jan 2008, Common Service Centers /Jan Seva Kendras> are actively running and delivering the Government Services in all the districts of Uttar Pradesh. Instead of coming all the way to the District Office, the citizens can now avail various Government Services at the nearest Jan Seva Kendra itself. Services/ information like Land Records, Employment Information, Caste, Income, and Domicile certificate etc. more than 240 Government services are online now. To ensure transparency, details of developmental works, ration allotment to fair price shop dealers, money sent to Gram Sabhas etc. are made available to people. The CSC system not only gives citizens an avenue to track the progress on their grievance, but also provides the District Magistrate an effective tool to monitor the performance of various Departments. CSC also provides details of various Government schemes, Government prescribed forms, details of developmental work in the District, lists of old age pensioners, lists of scholarship beneficiaries, Funds allotted in various Govt schemes, allotment of food grains to kotedars, allotments of funds to gram panchayats etc.
• To establish Centers/Kiosks for facilitating citizens of urban and rural areas across the District.
• To bring all the Centers under a unique set of rules and regulations and manage them under the umbrella of DSP which acts as a bridge between owners of the Centers and District Administration / District e-Governance Society.
• To create a proper monitoring mechanism and uniqueness in the charges for opening new centres and renewal of existing Centers,
• To deliver the Government Services to the urban, semi-urban and rural population through Centers so that they do not have to approach to the District Collectorate, Tehsils, Blocks and other Govt. offices.
RFP Notice
a. The District e-Governance Society, Mainpuri invites offers from interested bidders to establish the Common Service Centers in the Urban, and Rural area of the districts. This document is just an invitation to make an offer and does not in any way create any kind of binding relationship till the finalization of the bid process.
b. Center for e-Governance which is the State Designated Agency for implementing e-Governance in the State of Uttar Pradesh has issued a List of Districts as per Annexure where similar Common Service Centers are already established. This RFP is being issued for the 75 districts across the State of Uttar Pradesh, where the selection of the District Service Providers is to be done. A bidder has to choose the number of Districts as per the annexure but the total number of Districts allotted to any successful bidder shall be restricted to not more than 40 Districts. The final selection of District Service Providers shall be made at the Center for e-Governance, Lucknow in coordination with respective DeGS as per the criteria mentioned in this document.
c. The project involves setting up of e-enabled Centers at urban, semi-urban and rural areas of these Districts for delivery of G2C and B2C services to the citizens. These centres will be managed by private partners called as “District Service Provider (DSP)”. The rates of services to be rendered through this system as per the latest GO of the Department of IT & Electronics, Government of Uttar Pradesh are as given below:
- “Every entity mentioned above getting/sharing user charges shall be liable to pay their taxes individually on their share. Above mentioned user charges are inclusive of taxes.
- Interested bidders are advised to study the RFP document carefully. Submission of Bids shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the RFP document with full understanding of its implications.
- Interested bidders may download the RFP from on the https://etender.up.nic.in and” mainpuri.nic.in” after filling the non-refundable online tender fees of Rs. 20,000/- in A/c No. 33259086036, IFSC-SBIN0000675 ,State Bank Of India A/c Name- President /Secretary, S.S.D.G. District e-Governance Society, Mainpuri (U.P.)
- All Bid documents must be accompanied by Bid Security (Ernest Money Deposit) of Rs. 5, 00, 000 (Rupees Five lakhs) in form of DD in favour President /Secretary, S.S.D.G. District e-Governance Society, Mainpuri (U.P.)this will be held till the agreement is finalized.
Context of the RFP
- The overall objective of this RFP is to select Organizations/ Firms to establish and run the Centers in Urban and rural areas of the Districts aforementioned. The Selected Agency would be responsible for running the centers in the district to deliver the G2C and B2C services to the citizens of Uttar Pradesh.
- District e-Governance Society, Mainpuri has to select DSP(s) from the bidder Organizations/ Firms by evaluating their Technical Capabilities regarding their experience in delivering the G2C services, proposed methodologies etc. as per criteria given in this RFP document.
Scope of Work
- There will be two District Service Providers (DSP) in each district for rural & urban area.
- Each DSP has mandate too perate existing CSCs and open new Centers considering at least one Jan Seva Kendra (CSC) in urban area covering population of 10000 and one CSC in each Gram Panchayat. It is mandatory that at least 01 CSC shall be functional by each DSP in 10000 population of urban area and every gram panchayat of Rural area of every district.
- Each DSP shall ensure to establish & operate targeted CSCs in next 4 months after signing of agreement with DeGS.
- The DSP will integrate suppliers, partners, the State Government, the CSCs and Customers into a Web enabled value chain. The key challenges for DSP would be to manage secured, safe and trusted service delivery channel on one hand and integrate pieces of service delivery chain on the other. DSP would host applications in the Centralized Data Center and applications via internet. The DSP will maintain the security and integrity of the Data, business processes and transactions at all the times and protect all the assets of the project, intellectual and physical. The DSP will assume complete responsibility for the managerial, Financial and technical, HR, Logistics and other resources and ensure viability, visibility and high quality performance of the CSCs.
- The DSP shall act as a Service Access Provider and Network manager for the CSCs. For this purpose, it is expected that the DSP should consider setting up of a portal for enabling access to the services of the non-Government businesses and make them available to the CSC access points.
- The DSP would select such Computer Centers / Cyber Cafe owners and other entrepreneur in IT related business only in urban and rural areas of the District who fulfill the basic infrastructure requirement for provision of G2C and B2C Services to the citizens. DSP shall give preference to the existing Lokvani Kendra Owner. DSP has to ensure that Centers Owner should have a minimum one computer set with broadband connection of at least 512 kbps speed and antivirus installed, multifunction printer (photocopier, scanner and printer), web-cam, a wardrobe to store the hard copies / documents received from the citizens etc.
- Protecting IT infrastructure and Data from Virus attack, unauthorized access/modification/deletion of data. Service provider shall be responsible for any loss or damage suffered by CeG, Departments or Citizens due to such causes. The bidder will be liable legally in such an event.
- DSP shall establish one office at each District with minimum 3 exp. resources (manpower) dedicated for G2C services.
- DSP shall ensure the proper management of the hard copies / documents received from the citizens and delivery of certificates to the citizens.
- DSP shall be required to manage the Centers on self-sustaining model
- DSP could add private domain services other than Government Domain services to service basket for the sustainability of the model. However, the same should be in conformity with guidelines issued by District Administration / District e-Governance Society from time to time. DSP or its authorized Centre owner would be accountable for rendering these services.
- DSP will provide financial statements for reconciliation purposes to CeG as and when required. Facilities for e-payments should also be made available.
Key Deliverables
- The Selected service provider shall prepare a plan of action for smooth takeover of operation of CSC Centers from the exiting service providers. Plan of action shall be submitted by selected service provider at the time of signing of contract to DeGS. The selected service provider shall work along with existing service provider for 15 days. subsequent to the date of signing of contract. The DSP will ensure the delivery of Government services as directed by the District Administration/DeGS from the proposed Centers.
- The DSP will ensure regular interaction with the District Administration/DeGS every week to update them about the progress in the roll out of Centers and other issues and challenges faced during rollout.
- The DSP shall be responsible to impart training to the center operators on a regular basis and shall keep them apprised of the new developments and changes made by the state in the processes.
- The citizens should get all the services of government that are made available electronically to CSC’s, during indicated time periods on Government working days and holidays but without any relation to the jurisdiction of a particular office of a particular department or agency within a particular District.
- The quality of service should be in accordance to the best practices in the industry for Citizen Service.
- Service Provider shall be responsible for maintaining, changing, upgrading and developing its software application for existing as well newer services. Application Software to meet the demand of current services and new services being added from time to time
New Centre Owner Selection Criteria
- It is envisaged that the Centre Owner should be minimum of age of 18 years.
- Minimum education qualification shall be a minimum 10th pass from any recognized board.
- DSP shall give preference to existing Lokvani Kendra Owner, Cyber Cafe, Computer
- Centre Owners and agents of Various Business Services such as IRCTC, BSNL etc.
- He / She / Transgender should be able to read and write in the local dialect as well as
- have basic level knowledge of English language.
- He / She / Transgender should be versed in basic operations of the computer and usage of standard applications. Otherwise, the DSP should arrange for the selected Centre Owner to be trained in Basic Computer operations/ usage.
2.3 Operational Guidelines for DSP
Scheme Rollout Period
- The Selected service provider shall prepare a plan of action for smooth takeover of operation of CSC Centers from the exiting service providers. Plan of action shall be submitted by selected service provider at the time of signing of contract. The selected service provider shall work along with existing service provider for 15 days subsequent to the date of signing of contract. During this period of 15 days. The DSP will ensure the delivery of Government services as directed by the District Administration/DeGS from the proposed Centers.
- The DSP shall manage the Centers for next 3 years from the date of signing the MSA with DeGS. The MSA would be signed within 30 days from the issuance of the Letter of Intent (LoI). The DSP shall establish, operate and manage the centers for overall duration of 3 years.
- At the end of contract period , the contract period of DSP may be extended for 2 years on mutual agreeable basis and after approval from Govt. of UP.
- Once the DSP signs an agreement with the DeGS, the DSP has to formulate and submit a detailed plan of implementation. It may be noted that the timelines and the service level agreements will be enforced strictly. Any delay in implementation of the Centers within the stipulated period would be deemed as an event of default.
- All Selected DSPs shall provide a separate application logins (administrative user) rights to CeG Officials for the overall monitoring of roll-out of CSC across the State of UP.
Key Guidelines
Following are some of the key operational guidelines for the DSPs to conduct and run the Centers
Mandatory delivery of G2C Services:
The Centers will have to provide all the provisioned e-Governance services as approved and decided by the District Administration, DeGS & GoUP to the citizens. The DSP would charge fees for the E Governance services as prescribed by the State Government from the time being in
force. However, the DSP would decide charges for the non-government services as agreed with concerned organization, such services and charges will be communicated to DEGS.
DSP-Centre Owner Relationship
The Centre Owner are preferred to be Existing Lokvani/ Computer Centre / Cyber Cafe Owners / Agents of Various Business Services and other entrepreneur in IT related business. In order to safeguard the interest of the Centre Owner participating in the scheme, following Guidelines need to be adhered by DSP:
Capital Investments
Business model of DSP envisages Capital Investments to be made by Centre Owner/DSP in the Centre infrastructure.
Registration fees for New Centers:
Bidder can charge maximum of registration fees in case of new centers as per the below table on yearly basis.This fees will be only charge if new center has to be opened in District.
SRN | Type of Center | Cat-A District | Cat-B District | Cat-C District. |
1 | URBAN | RS 2000 | RS 1500 | RS 1000 |
2 | RURAL | RS 1000 | RS 750 | RS 500 |
No DSP is allowed to charge more than above-mentioned fees. If found guilty, Contract shall be liable for termination.
One time Transition fees from old active VLE’s –
The below mentioned onetime fees shall be charged from active VLE’sduring transition and roll out. No DSP is allowed to charge more than below mentioned fees. If found guilty, Contract shall be liable for termination
SRN | Type of Center | Cat-A District | Cat-B District | Cat-C District. |
1 | URBAN | RS 700 | RS 500 | RS 300 |
2 | RURAL | RS 350 | RS 250 | RS 150 |
Security Fee / Deposit:
-Security fees must be in digital mode only i.e. Demand draft etc. to be made by Centre Owner. This security deposit must be refundable within 3 months after the completion/ termination of the DSP – Centre Owner contract as per the terms of the contract. This is one-time fee.
SRN | Type of Center | Cat-A District | Cat-B District | Cat-C District. |
1 | URBAN | RS 2000 | RS 1500 | RS 1000 |
2 | RURAL | RS 1000 | RS 750 | RS 500 |
Recurring Expenses:
- All monthly recurring expenditures are to be borne by Centre Owner .The DSP needs to establish a grievance redressal mechanism for sorting out the DSP- Centre Owner contractual and operational issues.
- While terminating the Centre owner, DSP shall inform the District Magistrate/ District e-Governance Society
Location of Centers:
- DSP will take a prior approval from DeGS regarding locations of the Centers to be opened. DeGS +will decide on the number of Centers to be opened in the urban areas of the district based on the population and requirement in the District. The number of mandated Centers in the rural areas will be two CSC in each Gram Panchayat.
- Activation & Deactivation of VLE’s ID, DSP will inform DeGS at least 3 day in advance.
Timings of Operation:
The Centers will function for a minimum of 8 hours on all days notified as working days by the DeGS. On all Sundays and public holidays,
excluding the National Holidays, Centers will function for a minimum of four hours. This is only indicative and can be different as will be prescribed by the DeGS.
Service Level Agreements
DeGS will prepare an Agreement and sign with DSP, based on the Rules and Regulation in this RFP.
Adherence to rollout Metrics:
- DSPs are expected to ensure strict observance of Service Level Metrics laid out in this RFP document. The DSP shall ensure that the Centre Owner keeps a citizen charter / GOs of the complete list of services available at the Centre, time taken for delivery and pricing of the various services prominently. In the event that DSP fails to achieve agreed Service Levels, the DSP would have to pay liquidated damages as prescribed in this RFP document Annexure
- The DSP will obtain all applicable statutory clearances for providing all G2C and B2C service at the Centers.
- DSP/VLE are not allowed to use UP Govt. name, logo etc. as branding for B2C, B2B etc. services.
Bid Process
General Terms & Conditions of RFP
a. The Agency/Agencies selected by the Center for e-Governance, Lucknow shall be called
District Service Provider(s) (DSPs).
b. The selection of the DSP will be for a period of max. 3 Years from the date of signing of contract. Before issue of Work Order, the DSP shall submit a single security in the form of Fixed Deposit or Performance Bank Guarantee (Annexure – Form 4) in favor of President /Secretary, District e-Governance Society, Mainpuri (U.P.) for valid until 42 months. Selected Bidder will have to extend their PBG in case of extension. The performance bank guarantee shall be as per the below table for Districts.
SRN | Category Wise | PBG-Amount(Per District) |
1 | A-Category District | Rs. 20,00,000(Rupees Twenty Lakhs only |
2 | B- Category District | Rs. 15,00,000 (Rupees Fifteen Lakhs Only) |
3 | C-Category District | Rs. 10,00,000(Rupees Ten Lakh Only |
c. The Performance Bank Guarantee of DSP shall be refunded only after the successful return of Security amount received from all the VLE’s. After fulfilling this criteria, DSP’s are entitled for the claim of PBG. PBG shall be returned within 30 days after expiry of the Agreement
after satisfactory reconciliation of accounts between the DSP and the DeGS.
d. The DSP and DeGS shall work together in the respective areas/fields for providing quality services.
e. At the time of allotment of the work to the DSP, an Agreement defining the terms and conditions of the RFP will have to be signed between DeGS and the DSP.
f. If the DSP hides some information, gives wrong information, or is found misrepresenting, selection of that DSP shall liable to be cancelled.
g. DeGS has rights to cancel the tender at any point of time during bid process management. After cancellation, DeGS has rights to re-tender.
h. DEGS has right to conduct fresh bidding in case two DSPs are not selected, and in case of cancelation of agreement of a DSP.
Eligibility & Evaluation Criteria
The following criteria must be fulfilled by any organization willing to become a DSP
Pre-Qualification Criteria
a. The Bidder should be a registered Company/Partnership firm/LLP/society (as defined in related Act).
b. The Bidder organization need to be in operation for at least 3 years from bid calling date. A Certificate of Incorporation and Certificate of Commencement issued by the Registrar Of Companies.
c. Bidder should not be blacklisted or declared ineligible for corrupt and fraudulent practices by any Central/State Government /affiliate or Public Sector undertaking. Self-certification from authorized signatory will be required to submit along with the Bid.
d. Bidder should have experience in implementing IT/e-Governance projects having direct interface with citizens/Govt. agencies/PSUs/Government Undertakings.(Work Order/Completion Certificate)
Financial Criteria
Annual Turnover of the applicant averaged over the last 3 financial years must be at least Rupees 3 Crore for bidding in one district. The bidder is free to bid for any number of Districts in the State but at the time of allotment of District to the successful bidder the average turnover of the bidder should be minimum Rs.3 Crore per District. For Example If the bidder has applied for 6 Districts and is declared successful in 4 Districts then the average turnover over the last three Financial Years of the Bidder must be a minimum of Rs.12.0 Crore (Rs. 3 Crore X 4 Districts).
The Bidding Documents
Cost of Bidding
I. The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid and Society, will in no case be held responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.
II. The bid document will be available on https://etender.up.nic.in. Interested bidder shall download the copy from the website.The bidders shall have to pay online tender fee of Rs. 20,000 (Twenty Thousand Only) in A/c No. 33259086036, IFSCSBIN0000675 ,State Bank Of India ,A/c Name President /Secretary, S.S.D.G. District e-Governance Society ,Mainpuri (U.P.)
III. This RFP document will also be available on the district website mainpuri.nic.in to view and download the bidding document.
IV. The Bidder shall submit, along with their bids, Earnest Money Deposit for every district of Rs. 5,00,000/-(Five Lacs Only) through Demand Draft or Bank Guarantee issued by any Scheduled or nationalized bank in favor of the President /Secretary, S.S.D.G. District e-Governance Society, Mainpuri (U.P.) and should have validity for 3 months from the due date of the tender RFP. Bidder has to be
submit scanned copy of EMD in online financial bid and Hardcopy to be submitted at bid submission.
V. Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and specifications in the bidding documents. Failure to furnish all information required by the bidding documents or to submit a bid not substantially responsive to the bidding documents in every respect will be at the bidder’s risk and may result in the rejection of its bid.
VI. RFP document fee will be non-refundable to the bidders.
Contents of Technical Bid
Bidding procedures and other terms and conditions are prescribed in the RFP. The Technical Bid document should include details about the following.
a. About the Organization / Firm,
b. Roles & Responsibilities of DSP as per their understanding about this Project,
c. Approach & Methodology for implementation,
d. Work Plan, Transition & Roll-Out Plan
e. Business Plan / Revenue Model,
f. As per forms defined in this RFP i.e
I. Notice to Submit Request for Proposal
II. Certificate of Incorporation
III. Turnover during Last 3 Years(CA Certificate to be attached)
IV. Experience in implementing IT/e-Governance Projects
V. Earnest Money Deposit.
VI. Checklist: Mandatory Supporting Documents
VII. Exhibit 1: Table of Service Level Metrics
VIII. Liquidated Damages
IX. Self-Declaration
X. Annexure (A) –District Category List
XI. Annexure (B) – List of services being provided at present
The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the RFP. Failure to furnish all information required as per the RFP or submission of a bid not responsive to the RFP in every respect will be at the Bidder’s risk and may result in rejection of his bid.
Clarification of Bid
All those bidders who had obtained bid document, by paying Bid document Fee, from the DeGS prior to Date and Time fixed for Pre Bid meeting can participate in the meeting to seek clarifications on the bid, if any. All the queries that need to be clarified by DeGS and must be received by way of email / letter to the mentioned email id in bid document on or before mentioned date so as to clarify the same during the pre-bid meeting.. However it is not mandatory to participate in pre Bid meeting. Pre Bid Meeting will be held at the following address:-
Distrcit eGovernance Cell ,District Magistrate Office Collectorate Campus ,Mainpuri (U.P.) Amendment of RFP Documents
At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, DeGS may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, modify the RFP document by amendments. Such amendments shall be intimated
through corrigendum and shall form an integral part of bid documents. The relevant clauses of the RFP shall be treated as amended accordingly.
All prospective bidders those who have purchased the bidding documents should check the website for the amendments, No separate notification shall be sent to them. Amendment will also be placed on website where RFP was hosted.
In order to allow prospective bidders reasonable time to take the amendment into account in preparing their bids, the DeGS, at its discretion, may extend the deadline for the submission of bids.
Preparation and Submission Of Bids
• Language of Bid
The bid prepared by the Bidder, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by the Bidder and Society shall be written either in Hindi or English language. Only English numerals shall be used in the bid.
• Period of Validity of Bids
a. Bids shall remain valid for 180 days after the date of bid opening prescribed by CeG. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by DeGS as nonresponsive.
b. In exceptional circumstances, DeGS may solicit the Bidder’s consent to an extension of the period of bid validity. The request and the response thereto shall be made in writing. The bid security shall also be suitably extended. However a bidder granting the request will not be permitted to modify its bid.
c. The outer envelopes shall clearly indicate the name and address of the bidder to enable the bid to be returned unopened in case it is declared “late”.
d. If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as required above, DeGS will assume no responsibility for the bid’s misplacement or premature opening.
• Submission of Technical Bid
a. Bidders should submit their Technical Bid online as well as physically copy at DeGS office. by duly filling and signing each page of bid documents along with all required enclosures in sealed cover clearly marked on the top of the envelop ” Technical Bid for Selection of District Service Provider for Establishment/Operations of Jan Seva Kendras at Urban and Rural Areas of Distt. Mainpuri and should reach District eGovernance Cell ,DM office Room No.9 Collectorate Campus Mainpuri , on or before the last date and time mentioned in the RFP.”.
b. For delay in submission of bids due to any reasons, the bidders shall only be held responsible.
• Sealing and Marking of Financial Bid
All the financial shall be uploaded online only. No Hard copy to be submitted, any hard copy submitted shall be liable for rejection.
• Deadline for Submission of Bids
a. Bids must be submitted by the bidders as per the time and date as mentioned in RFP/ Corrigendum. Bids submitted after the due date shall not be accepted.
b. DeGS may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for submission of bids by amending the RFP Document, in which case all rights and obligations of DeGS and Bidders previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.
• Late Bids
a) Once the bid submission date and time is over, the bidder cannot submit its bid.
• Withdrawal and Resubmission of Bids
a) At any point of time, a bidder can withdraw its bid submitted before the bid submission end date and time.
b) No bid can be resubmitted after the deadline for submission of bids.
c) No bid cannot be withdrawn after bid submission end date. Withdrawal of a bid will result into forfeit of its bid security (EMD).
• Bid Opening and Evaluation Of Bids
• Opening of Technical Bids by Tender Committee
a. DeGS will open all technical bids as per the Schedule in RFP/Corrigendum. In the event of the specified date of bid opening being declared a holiday for DeGS then the bids shall be opened on next working day and at the same scheduled time in the office of DeGS.
b. Bids shall be opened in the presence of bidder’s authorized representatives, who choose to attend. The bidder representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance.
c. The bids of only those bidders shall be considered for evaluations that are found responsive to the terms and conditions of this RFP document. The bids that are found non-responsive to the terms and conditions of RFP document shall be out rightly rejected and no fee shall be returned to the bidder.
• Clarification of Bids
a. During evaluation of bids DeGS may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification of its bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing.
b. No Bidder shall contact Society on any matter relating to its bid, from the time of the bid opening till the time of disposal of its bid. If the bidder wishes to bring additional information to the notice of DeGS, Bidder can do so in writing.
c. Any effort by a Bidder to influence DeGS in its decisions on bid evaluation may result in rejection of the Bidder’s bid.
Evaluation of Bids
Evaluation of Pre-Qualification Bids
- Pre-qualification bid documentation shall be evaluated in two sub-steps. Firstly, the
documentation furnished by the bidder will be examined prima facie to see if the
technical skill base and financial capacity and other bidder attributes claimed therein
are consistent with the need of this project. - In the second step, DeGS may ask bidder(s) for additional information, visit to
bidders site and/or arrange discussions with their professional, technical faculties to
verify claims made in technical bid documentation
Evaluation of Technical Bids
- Technical bids of only those bidders will be opened and evaluated who are declared qualified in Pre-Qualification Bid evaluation
- DeGS will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether they meet all the conditions of the RFP, whether required RFP fee and other required documents have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether the bids are generally in order. Any bid not fulfilling these requirements shall be rejected.
- Evaluation of the bids shall be done only as per the evaluation criteria on requirements and experience given below.
- DeGS may carry out physical inspection and verification of the information given by the bidder at any time during or after the selection of the bidder
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ek to waise he lookdown ke bad kam nahi tha… bacha kasar yeh pura kar rahe hai…