CSC Aadhaar UCL Register CSC Aadhaar Seva Kendra Enrollment and Update Register CSC UIDAI Vle Society

The Common Service Center (CSC) Aadhaar Seva Kendra is a program run by the Indian government to provide Aadhaar enrollment and update services to citizens through a network of CSCs located throughout the country. CSCs are physical locations where citizens can go to access a range of government and private services, such as Aadhaar enrollment, passport application, and banking services. The Aadhaar Seva Kendra program aims to make these services more accessible to citizens by bringing them closer to their communities and reducing the need for citizens to travel long distances to access them.

Enrollment and Update Register in CSC AAdhaar Center

Enrollment and update of Aadhaar details can be done at a Common Service Center (CSC) Aadhaar Seva Kendra. To enroll for a new Aadhaar card, an individual would need to visit the CSC center with the necessary documents such as proof of identity and proof of address. The CSC operator will then take the individual’s biometric information (fingerprints and iris scan) and photograph it. Once the enrollment process is complete, the individual will be provided with an acknowledgment slip containing an enrolment ID number.

To update existing Aadhaar details, individuals will also need to visit the CSC center with the necessary documents. The CSC operator will update the details in the system and provide an update acknowledgment receipt.

It’s also worth noting that CSC operators also provide other services, such as Aadhaar card print, Aadhaar card download, and Aadhaar card update.

Benefits of CSC Uidai Aadhaar Seva Kendra (UCL) Enrollment & Update Register

Its a good habit to maintain a Healthy record of any Banking Transaction happen at your csc Digipay Kendra or CSC Bank Bc Point.

  • CSC / Uidai Official Ask For Register during Visits
  • It Can Help you in any Dispute/police complaint
  • It Will Save you From Many Uidai Penalties

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CSC Aadhaar UCl चलाते है तो आगे से इन बातो को रखियेगा ध्यान

  • आवश्यक सूचना आधार कार्य करने का निर्धारित समय सुबह 9 बजे से शाम 6 बजे। तक का है इसे पहले इव बाद में कार्य मत करे
  • वीएलई अपना सेंटर रोजाना सोमवार से रविवार प्रतिदिन खोल सकते है
  • नोट सेंटर पर सभी को एण्ट्री रजिस्टर रखना अनिवार्य है जिसमे निम्न चीज़े अंकित होनी चाहिए ऐसा नए पाए जाने पर आपके विरुद्ध कार्यवाही की जा सकती है
    1-customer name
    2-updation done(mobile,email,addres,name,gender,DOB)
    4-Mobile no
    6-date of enrollment
  • सिर्फ ओरिजिनल दस्तावेज ही मान्य है जो लिस्ट में अंकित है
  • सेंटर पर डी गई रेट लिस्ट अनिवार्य है
  • निर्धारित राशि से अधिक लेने पर सेंटर तत्काल बंद कर दिया जाएगा साथ में आईडी भी ब्लॉक की जसाक्ती है
  • यूआईडी मानक के अनुसार 50000 से लेकर 100000 का जुर्माना भी लगाया जाएगा

Note अब तक लगभग 50 से ज्यादा मशीनें uid द्वारा बंद की गई है अतः समय एवं उचित मूल्य पर सर्विस प्रदान करे अन्यथा आप इस्थि के स्वय जिमेदर होंगे