CSC Swastha Bachpan Project: An Initiative to Improve Children’s Health
hildhood is a crucial phase of life that lays the founda�on for a healthy and produc�ve future. However, the health of children in India is s�ll a ma�er of concern due to various factors such as malnutri�on, lack of access to healthcare, poor sanita�on, and hygiene prac�ces. According to the Na�onal Family Health Survey-5 (NFHS-5), 36% of children under five years of age are stunted, 19% suffer from acute malnutri�on, and 32% are underweight. Moreover, 67% of children aged 6-59 months are anaemic. To address these challenges and improve children’s health, CSC Academy has launched the CSC Swastha Bachpan Project in response to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that include early childhood development as a priority. The project aims to provide preven�ve healthcare services to children aged 1-10
अधिक जानकारी के लिए दिये गये वीडियो को वॉच करे अथवा पढ़ना जारी रखे!
years through the network of CSCs across the country. The project seeks to raise awareness about child development, promote early detec�on of childhood illnesses, and provide �mely screening and detec�on of health ailments such as malnourishment, anaemia, etc. The objec�ves of the project are to provide preven�ve healthcare services, create awareness among parents/caregivers, and build the capacity of CSC Bal Vidyalaya/CSC centers and teachers/counsellors to create an enabling environment. The project offers free healthcare services to children enrolled with CSC Bal Vidyalaya, through medical specialists and doctors from RML Hospital, ORL Interna�onal Hospital, and VisionSpring conduc�ng the screening. The package of services includes audio and speech tests, vision tests, and health check-ups by child specialists. In addi�on to the free health check-ups, awareness sessions are conducted with parents/caregivers and the community to promote early detec�on of childhood illnesses and child development. Two free health camps have been conducted in Delhi so far, and 204 children have a�ended the screening. VisionSpring, a not-for-profit organiza�on, that has been working since 2001 to provide free eye screening and spectacles to needy people across India, will now provide spectacles to children in collabora�on with the CSC Academy under this ini�a�ve. To know more you can write at:
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