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CSC Digipay AEPS New Guidelines for Cash Deposit and Withdrawal
CSC Digipay AEPS New Guidelines for Cash Deposit and Withdrawal 2021: दोस्तों जैसा की आप सभी को ज्ञात है की आजकल Cash Deposit Money Transfer, Cash Withdrawal and other Banking Transaction के लिए! CSC Digipay का उपयोग किया जाता है! ऐसे में अगर आप एक CSC Vle है तो आपको अपने CSC Center पर CSC Team द्वारा समय समय पर बताई जाने वाली सभी Operational Guidelines का पालन करना अनिवार्य होता है! अतः आज हम आपको CSC द्वारा AEPS Banking Transaction के लिए लायी गयी कुछ Guidelines के बारे में बताने जा रहे है! ताकि आप बिना किसी परेशानी के अपने CSC Center पर काम कर सके!
Official Notification Issued From CSC SPV Dated- 08 March 2021
VLE must provide a signed receipt to the customer for all AEPS Financial Transactions
VLE Should Take Cash from Customer before initiating a transaction
If the Transaction is Successful then VLE must retain cash and Provide a Printed Receipt to the customer
If the Transaction is Declined then VLE must return Cash and Provide a printed receipt to a customer
VLE Must Maintain a Register in which every entry of AEPS Financial Transaction (ie- Cash Withdrawal, Cash Deposit and Domestic Money Transfer) must be recorded along with Customer Signature
Scheme Name | CSC Digipay AEPS New Guidelines for Cash Deposit and Withdrawal 2021 |
All Application and CV Resume Format Download | Click Here |
All Useful Software Download For CSC Vle | Click Here |
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