- how to Update Bank Account Online in csc vle profile and CSC registration 2019
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CSC Vle Profile Update On CSC Registration Portal 2019
The VLE’s can update their kiosk, banking and PAN details steps:
1. Click on the following link:
2. Enter your CSC Id
3. Enter the name as per your CSC Id
4. Select the authentication type
5. Enter the captcha
6. Click on submit button
Please note that while updating the PAN & banking details
if you are providing Company/Corporate PAN & banking details, in such a case it will be mandatory to provide a
declaration for the same. Declaration can be downloaded from
CSC Vle Kiosk
1. Kiosk Name: Enter complete and Company PAN/banking given in the PAN and current bank account holder
Please note that Panchayat details are not mandatory for Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland
Mobile and email:
1. Ensure that the email address and the mobile number are correct and validated.
2. OTP will be sent on the same mobile number and email address that you have entered.
VLE Profile Update on CSC Registration Portal 2019
The VLE’s can update their kiosk, banking and PAN details by simply following the below
- Click on the following link: https://register.csc.gov.in/profile
- Enter the name as per your CSC Id
- Select the authentication type
- and Update desired Objects like, Bank account, Pan card, etc.
Please note that while updating the PAN & banking details, if you are Company/Corporate PAN & banking details
in such a case it will be mandatory to provide a declaration for the same.
Declaration can be downloaded from https://register.csc.gov.in/profile
complete and correct kiosk name
In case, you will be providing /banking details, please ensure that the name of the kiosk is same as and current bank account holder name.
Panchayat details are not mandatory for Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland
if you are providing Company/Corporate
PAN & banking details, in such a case it will be mandatory to provide a https://register.csc.gov.in/profile.
In case, you will be providing details, please ensure that the name of the kiosk is same as.
1. The applicant should provide valid and correct PAN card details. Any discrepancy in PAN card number may lead to deactivation of your account.
2. In case of Company PAN, the name on the current bank account holder. PAN number as well, in case the user is selecting Company in PAN type.
3. If the VLE is selecting Company PAN, it will be mandatory to upload the declaration form. Kindly print the form, fill the required fields and upload the same.
4. In case of individual PAN, the name name of the savings bank account holder.
5. Ensure that the Account number and the IFSC code entered are correct.
6. In case the Account Type is Saving Applicant name. In case the Account Type is Current, account holder name should be
same as Kiosk name.
7. The copy of the cancelled cheque/passbook details filled in by the applicant.
8. The size of the uploaded cancelled cheque/passbook should be between 30 KB and 50 KB and the file format supported is .jpg and .png.
Post all the details have been provided, click on the Submit button.
Recommended Camera Requirements
5-megapixel sensor
Flash disable feature
Manual focusing
Optical zoom
Before taking a picture
1. Make sure the image is neither blurred nor wrinkled in order to capture the accurate information.
2. Make sure there is enough light (preferably daylight). Turn off the flash to avoid glare.
3. Make sure the image has strong visibility and high resolution.
4. Enable the anti-shake system, if available.
5. For better accuracy the image should have sharp character borders, high contrasts and less pixel noise as possible.
6. Please ensure the Name of Bank,
visible in the image. Do not put cross ma
7. The size of the uploaded cancelled cheque
50 KB and the file format supported is .jpg and .png.
Cheque Book
Recommended Camera Requirements
neither blurred nor wrinkled in order to capture the Make sure there is enough light (preferably daylight). Turn off the flash to avoid
Make sure the image has strong visibility and high resolution. system, if available.
For better accuracy the image should have sharp character borders, high contrasts
and less pixel noise as possible.
sure the Name of Bank, Bank Account number and IFSC Code is clearly
visible in the image. Do not put cross mark or hamper any of the details
ze of the uploaded cancelled cheque/passbook
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