CSC Skill India Center उन जन सेवा केन्द्रों या सी एस सी केन्द्रों को कहा जाता है जहाँ पर कोई भी

स्टूडेंट या कोई व्यक्ति जाकर अपने जीवन यापन या अपने व्यवसाय के लिए कोई स्किल सीख कर अपने

कौशल में बढ़ावा करता है तो ऐसे सेंटर्स को सी एस सी स्किल सेण्टर कहते है और इन सेंटर्स पर तो तरह

की ट्रेनिंग दी जाती है

  1. Government द्वारा paid Courses जिनमे ट्रेनिंग की फीस सरकार देती है और बच्चो को कोई चार्ज नहीं देना होता है
  2. Self Paid Courses ऐसे कोर्स जिसकी फीस सिखने वाले को ही देनी होती है Self Paid Courses कहते है

यह भी पढ़े: CSC Kisan Credit Card Apply 2020


To empower skilled Divyangjans and equip them for employment/self-employment at local level,

CSC VLE को निम्नलिखित  job outreach activities करने की जिम्मेदारी दी जाती है

1. Build abilities among Divyangjans by training and certification through the following Skill Courses:

  • Basic Computer Course (BCC – CSC Academy)
  • Digital Wellness course
  • Job readiness course

2. Training of Divyang candidates to write their Biodata/ Resume and ensure

the involvement of Divyang candidates in all recruitment activities and processes.

3. Registration of PwD candidates on National Career Service Survey through Digital Seva Portal.

4. Identification of local employers and share the data with CSC Team

( , )to register them on the National Career Service portal.

5. Conduction of local recruitment drives/Job fairs at CSC Skill Centres.

6. Local news about the Recruitment drivesand success stories of beneficiaries must be published

in Local News Letters and the same news must be shared with CSC Skill Team( , ).

7. It is mandatory to share the signed Undertaking forms (available in Information Download Section in

VLE Dashboard on Digital Seva Portal) from each Divyang candidate on and

अधिक जानकारी के लिए विजिट करे:

*VLEs would be eligible for a reward

of Rs 1,500/- per certified candidate (for PwD Phase II candidates only).

The amount will be transferred to VLE’s wallet only after the successful completion of the

all the above-mentioned job outreach activities.

Rs 750/- will be transferred in advance

and the remaining amount will be transferred

only after the successful completion of the above-mentioned activities.

csc skill india center vle society