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ICICI Bank CSP/Bank Bc

CSC ICICI Bank CSP या ICICI BANK BC बैंक मित्र ICICI बैंक द्वारा ग्रामीण क्षेत्र के लोगो को बेसिक बैंकिंग सुविधाए पहुचने अर्थात ऐसे लोग जिनके गाँव या कसबे के पास कोई भी बैंक की शाखा नहीं है उन तक बैंकिंग सुविधाए जैसे- लोन, बचत खाता, करंट अकाउंट, ऍफ़ डी , Insurance आदि उपलब्ध करवाने के लिए ICICI Bank CSP/BC बैंक मित्र Scheme लांच करी है जिसके अनुसार आप icici बैंक के साथ एक बैंक मित्र या बैंक सी एस पी बनकर घर बैठे हर महीने 20-30 हजार रूपये कमाँ सकते हैl

यह भी पढ़े: New CSC Center Registration कैसे खोले

CSC ICICI Bank CSP Registration/ CSC BC बैंक मित्र

दोस्तों अगर आप एक CSC VLE है और आप एक बैंक मित्र बनना चाहते है तो आपके लिए बहुत अच्छी खबर है! की भारत सरकार के आई टी मंत्रालय के अधीन काम करने वाले CSC E GOVERNANCE SERVICES INDIA LIMITED! और ICICI बैंक ने हाल में ही एक समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर किये है! जिसके अनुसार सी एस सी के सभी VLE जिनकी संख्या 3 लाख से अधिक है! उन सभी को Free of Cost icici bank csp Licence दिया जायेगा! जिसके लिए आप निचे बताये गए तरीके से ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते है!

csc icici bank bc vle society

CSC VLE क्या होता है?

VLE का अर्थ है की Village Level Entrepreneur अर्थात ग्रामीण लेवल उद्द्यामी जो गाँव में रहते हुए! सी एस सी के साथ जुड़ के अपने गाँव में ही अपना उद्ध्यम व्यापर करता है! और अपने एवं अपने यहाँ काम करने वाले लोगो के लिए तो रोजगार के साधन उपलब्ध करता ही है! किन्तु ग्रामीण भारत में लोगो को विभिन्न सरकारी योजनाओ का लाभ पहुचने में में भी भरपूर योगदान देता है! जिससे लोगो को बिना भाग दौड़ अपने गाँव शहर में ही बहुत सी आवश्यक सुविधाए व सरकारी योजनाओ का लाभ आसानी से मिल जाता है!

To Become A New CSC Vle Registration: Click Here

How to apply for Hdfc bank Mitra:

csc icici bank bc bank mitra csp registration

Sallery and Comission for CSC icici Bank bc

मिली जानकारी के अनुसार icici bank vle को प्रति माह कुछ टारगेट पूरा करने पर बेसिक सैलरी और Incentive देने का विचार है! किन्तु csc चाहता है की यह vle के Performace यानी Transaction Based होना चाहिए! ताकि केवल काम करने वाले vles को ही ज्यादा से ज्यादा फायदा मिले! और Operation Cost को भी घटाया जा सके!

वी एल ई को दिए जाने वाले पेआउट के बारे में अभी तक सी एस सी की तरफ से कोई ऑफिसियल अनाउंसमेंट नहीं किया गया है! जैसे ही कोई अपडेट आता है हम आपको सूचित करेंगे

Prooducts for Vles in ICICI Bank Mitra वी एल ई को मिलेगा ये काम

प्राप्त जानकारी के अनुसार icici bank csp के भीतर वी एल ई को सेविंग अकाउंट ओपनिंग, करंट अकाउंट ओपनिंग, लोन, इन्सुरांस आदि प्रोडक्ट्स में काम करने के मौका मिलेगा!

  • Saving A/c Opening
  • Current A/c Opening
  • Loan Products
  • Insurance
  • Loan Amount Deposit
  • Insurance Premium Collection

Scope of the work for CSC Vle under icici bank csp

The CSP/BCA agrees to distribute/provide various services offered by the bank as specified banking services from time to time and broadly described hereunder: (BF Activity thru CSP/BCA for FIP Rural Area Villages and NON-FIP Area), Tiny Savings Bank Account through (CSP/BCA) Model (No Frill), Cash Deposit / Withdrawal (Only Opened By Bank Mitra Accounts), Loan Deposit, Rupay ATM Card, Tiny Saving Bank Account (other than No Frills Account), Flexi Term Deposit, Recurring Deposits, Atal Pension Yojna & Other Govt. Security Schemes ( PMJJBY / PMSBY) As Per SBI Norms, Fund Transfer (Non-Cash Transaction), Tatkal Money Transfer, IMPS Transaction, AEPS Transaction, E-KYC / Aadhar Seeding, E-KYC based Tiny Saving Bank Account

CSC Vle Icici Bank Customer Account Opening Process

दोस्तों CSC ICICI Bank Bc के भीतर Customer Current and Saving Account Opening के लिए प्रत्येक CSC Vle का ICICI Bank CSP Current Account Opening के बाद जब Aadhaar Enabled Payment Services – किसी भी कहते से जमा निकासी के लिए Live हो जाती है! तो CSC Vle को अपने ICICI Bank BC Portal पर Customer Account Opening Service चालू करने हेतु एक Agreement Sign करना होता है! जिसके बाद सम्बंधित CSC Vle के पोर्टल पर Account Opening की सेवा चालू कर दी जाती है!

How to Complete CSC ICICI Bank Account Opening Agreement

सी एस सी ICICI Bank Account Opening Agreement को Sign करने के लिए आपको अपने जिले के CSC District Manager /Cordinator से संपर्क करना होता है! वो आपको अग्रीमेंट को भरने और जमा करने की प्रक्रिया को समझायेंगे!  CSC ICICI Bank Vle Agreement Format Download करने के लिए निचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करे!

Download CSC ICICI Bank Vle Agreement for A/C Opening

Click Here to Download Agreement for CSC ICICI Bank Customer Account Opening

How to Apply For Icici Bank bc From CSC

दोस्तों यदि आप सी एस सी के माध्यम से icici bank csp सेण्टर खोलने चाहते है तो आप निचे दिए गए! विडियो को वाच कर ऑनलाइन रजिस्ट्रेशन प्रक्रिया को समझ सकते है अन्यथा पढना जारी रखे!

Step By Step Process for csc icici bank bc Online registration

  • प्रथम पर जाए
  • अब VLE Registration वाले विकल्प का चयन करे
  • अगर आप बैंक मित्र के लिए पहले से पंजीकरण किये है तो EXISTING अथवा
  • नए vle है और पहली बार आवेदन कर रहे है तो New User पर क्लिक करे
  • और अपनी बेसिक जानकारी व जिस बैंक का bc खोलना चाहते है उसकी निकटतम शाखा का चयन करे
  • और फॉर्म को Final Submit करे

CSC ICICI Bank CSP Registration Pdf Download

ICICI Bank CSP Bank Mitra Online Application process

दोस्तों यदि आप CSC ICICI Bank CSP लीना चाहते है तो आप 8 आसान चरणों में इसके लिए आवेदन कर सकते है! Eight Steps to become a Banking correspondent (BC) with ICICI Bank

Step 1

Apply with full details / Informaon for BC on hp://

Step 2

CSC shall verify eligible VLEs, shares the list with the Bank for approval.

Step 3

Selected VLEs to open an ICICI Bank current account on using CSC VLE id.

Step 4

VLE to undertake Biometric eKYC for self and enter the details in the form.

Step 5

VLE will print the (AOF and eKYC response) sign in the designated spaces, scan the following documents and upload the same in the portal.

Step 6

Current Account will be opened instantly with the Bank in a Total freeze status.

Step 7

VLE to visit the selected branch for signature upload with the following documents within 15 days of generation of account number:
a) Original Adhaar card
b) Original PAN card
c) AOF – Signed as per the format
d) eKYC response from UIDAI
e) Copy of PAN card – Self-attested

Step 8

Once the submitted document with the Branch is approved VLEs can Start the work as a Banking correspondent (BC) on way/using CSC VLE id

Important Note:

  • If the account is not activated within 15 days, the account shall be closed at the backend.
  • VLE needs to submit Police clearance / Verification certificate along with IIBF certificate to Banking team of CSC
    within the timeline.
  • CSC SPV or its employees don’t charge any money for generating the Banking Correspondent (BC) code.

How to Fix Application Under Observation Problem – CSC icici Bank BC CSP

Agent is inactive Problem Solution

दोस्तों यदि आपको ICICI Bank Bc के आवेदन में Agent is Inactive प्रॉब्लम आ रहा है! तो आप इसके समाधान के लिए आप अपने जिले के CSC District Manager व पर भेज कर अपनी समस्या का समाधान कर सकते है!

agent is inactive in csc icici bank bc

Importer Exporter Code In CSC ICICI Bank BC

सी एस सी ICICI Bank CSP का Registration करते समय यदि आपको Importer Exporter Code के लिए पूछा जाता है! तो आप अपने डिस्ट्रिक्ट मेनेजर से इसके सम्बन्ध में जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते है! अथवा इस कालम को खाली छोड़ सकते है!

Contact Details- CSC ICICI Bank BC CSP

आप CSC ICICI Bank CSP के आवेदन में किसी समस्या के समाधान के लिए अपने जिले के CSC District Manager/ CSC ICICI Bank Helpline पर संपर्क करे

यह भी पढ़े: CSC District Manager Mobile Number

For any other queries kindly contact-

Unable to share documents with bank. Please try after some time. vle society

Unable to share documents with bank. Please try after some time.

यदि आप अपने डॉक्यूमेंट अपलोड करने के बाद सबमिट कर रहे है! और आपको Unable to share documents with bank. Please try after some time. का एरर आ रहा है! तो आपको घबराने की जरुरत नहीं है! आप अपने नजदीकी बैंक में जाकर संपर्क कर अपने प्रिंट कर निकले गए! दस्तावेजो पर हस्ताक्षर कर जमा कर सकते है! और आप बिना परेशानी आसानी से अपना CSC ICICI Bank Bc CSP का Bank Account खुलवा सकते है!

CSC ICICI Bank account opening for csc vle

How to Open Vle ICICI Current Account Using CSC

दोस्तों CSC ICICI Bank BC खोलने के लिए Vle Current Open करवाने के लिए आपको CSC District Manager के चक्कर लगाने की जरुरत नहीं है! अब आप घर बैठे CSC Vle Self ICICI Bank BC Current Account Opening कर सकते है

csc icici bank vle account opening 2020

Step by Step CSC Vle ICICI Account Opening Process

Icici Bank Vle Opening Process: CSC Vle Account Opening Process

ICICI Bank BC Current Account Opening Process

सी एस सी वी एल ई अकाउंट ओपनिंग प्रोसेस पी डी ऍफ़: Download

Pre Requirements:-

  • Should be an active VLE of CSC.
  • Should have Laptop or Desktop with Operating System Windows 7 and above
  • Only those can open self current account, Who have intimation from CSC HO Banking Team to open your current account for ICICI BC Activity
  • Should have handy original/Copy  Aadhaar card, Pan Card and Registered mobile number with CSC.
  • Should have any of this Biometric Device. Morpho, Mantra or Startek

Required Setting:-

  • Need to install any of three biometric Morpho,Mantra and Startek.
  • Then you need to change the setting of Mozila as per below screenshot.
  • Morpho Setup Download link :-
  • Instruction manual attached with Batch File setup folder and run the file as per instruction.
  • Mantra Device manual download from below link :-
  • Startek Device manual download from below link :-

CSC Vle Duties as A ICICI Bank CSP and Services

1. Identification of borrowers & fitment of activities.

2. Collection and submission of all documents of loan applications including verification of primary data.

3. Creating awareness about savings and other products offered by the Bank and education and advice on managing money & debt Counseling.

4. Processing & Submission of account opening applications to the Bank.

5. Promotion, nurturing, monitoring and handholding of Self Help Groups / Joint Liability Groups / Credit Groups and others.

6. Post sanctions monitoring in case of advances/loans granted by the Bank.

7. Follow up of Recovery.

8. Disbursal of small value credits strictly as per instructions of the Bank.

9. Recovery of principal/interest from the borrowers and prompt deposit of the same with the Bank.

10. Collection and payment of deposits and withdrawals of Bank’s customers through inter-operable platform i.e. Aadhar Enabled Payment Services (AEPS) and Micro-ATMs.

11. Collection and payment of small value deposits and withdrawals & prompt deposit/withdrawal of the same with the Bank.

12. Promoting STDR and RD products to FI customers.

13. Promoting the application of e-KYC on Kiosk Platform and enabling payment/receipt in respect of e-governance activity/any other activity.

14. Providing mini account statements and other account information.

15. Sale of Micro/insurance / mutual fund/pension and other third party products as may be decided by the Bank.

16. Receipt & delivery of small value remittances / other payment instruments through Tatkal Remittances and remittance to the accounts of beneficiaries (Inter-Bank) under IMPS.

17. Any other service as may be advised by the Bank in writing to the CSP/BCA.

18. CSP/BCA shall ensure that their agents/employees/sub-contractors are holding minimum qualifications of 12th pass or equivalent qualification for selecting them in the capacity of agent or employee. Otherwise, CSP/BCA shall obtain prior concurrence from the Regional Office of the Bank.

19. Regular services are offered to the customers at the service outlets of the Bank.

20. CSP/BCA are properly trained to handle with care, their responsibilities particularly aspects like soliciting customer, hours of calling, the privacy of customer information and informing the correct terms and conditions of the products offered etc.

20. Adhere to extant instructions on Fair Practices Code for lending as also code for collection of dues as Recovery Agent subject to qualifying DRA training and obtain certification for collection of dues and repossession of security. It is essential that they refrain from action that could damage the integrity and reputation of the Bank.

21. Shall not resort to intimidation or harassment of any kind either verbal or physical against any person in their debt collection efforts, including acts intended to humiliate publicly or intrude the privacy of the borrowers’ family members, referees and friends, making threatening and anonymous calls or making false and misleading representations.

22. CSP/BCA shall ensure that due diligence is done on selected agents/ employees and also obtain their police verification before their appointment.

23. Shall not engage in levying service charges over and above the Bank’s advised rates. CSP/BCA will be liable for any such actions of agents/employees/sub-contractors.

24. Are having interoperable devices with updated specifications released by the Bank/IBA/RBI or any other agency.

25. CSP/BCA may render the services through Sub-Contractors subject to the condition that CSP/BCA shall obtain prior written approval of the Bank before engaging Sub-Contractor(s). Notwithstanding approval of the Bank for Sub-Contracting CSP/BCA shall remain liable to the Bank for acts/ omissions of Sub-Contractors. Before engaging Sub-Contractor, the Service Provider shall carry out due diligence process on sub-contracting/ sub-contractor to the satisfaction of the Bank and Bank should have access to such records. In the event of sub-contracting, the CSP/BCA shall ensure that suitable documents including confidentiality agreement are obtained from the sub-contractor and the CSP/BCA shall ensure that the secrecy and faith of Bank’s data/processes is maintained.

26. CSP/BCA shall adhere to the performance standards in respect of services and products as detailed in Schedule ‘A’ hereunder written, which forms part & parcel of this agreement. The Bank reserves the right to change/vary / the contents of schedule ‘A’ by advising the same to CSP/BCA in writing and upon such advise, the amended Schedule ‘A’ shall become effective.

Maintenance of Records by CSP/BCA AND Monitoring/Inspection by the Bank

  1. BCA specifically agrees to maintain all records accounts including registers/documents etc. as per instructions of the Bank from time to time and ensure safe and proper custody of all records, accounts including documents etc.
  2. The BCA shall maintain the records, registers, accounts and documents relating to the customer information in such manner so that those can be isolated, identified and segregated and the BCA shall protect the absolute confidentiality thereof
  3. BCA specifically agrees that the Bank shall be entitled to inspect and audit the records maintained by BCA through its officers/employees or agents/auditors as may be decided by the Bank at its sole discretion and BCA hereby undertakes to promptly produce all records and information required for this purpose / for the purposes of inspection and audit. CSP/BCA shall provide access, to the Officers/employees/representatives/agents or auditors of the Bank to the premises/places where such records are kept/maintained. The Bank shall have a right to obtain copies of any audit report, review reports and findings made on the BCA in connection with the services performed by BCA for the Bank.
  4. Further, CSP/BCA specifically agrees that it shall allow access to Reserve Bank of India (RBI) or persons authorized by RBI or its employees/officers or other persons to inspect and access the documents, accounts, records of transactions and all necessary information in possession of, or stored or processed by the CSP/BCA within a reasonable time. The persons authorized by RBI shall have right to obtain copies of the records, information etc. in possession of CSP/BCA. CSP/BCA further agrees that in case access is not allowed to the persons authorized by RBI for the purposes of inspection which results in imposition of supervisory fees by RBI upon the Bank, and the Bank is required to pay such supervisory fees to RBI, CSP/BCA shall be liable to reimburse to the Bank such fees including any penalty, interest levied and recovered by RBI.
  5. The Bank should have right to conduct surprise check of the Service Provider’s activities in respect of the Services.
  6. The Service Provider agrees to preserve the documents and data in respect of the Services for such period in accordance with the legal/regulatory obligation of the Bank in this regard.
  7. The Service Provider agrees that the Complaints/feedback, if any received from the customers of the Bank in respect of the Services by Service Providers shall be recorded and Bank/Reserve Bank of India shall have access to such records and redressal of customer complaints by the Service Provider
  8. CSP/BCA shall bear all expenses / costs & charges in connection with the inspection and audit either conducted by the Bank or by RBI.
  9. CSP/BCA specifically agrees that the Bank has full right to monitor and assess the performance of services by CSP/BCA and wherever the Bank discovers any deficiency or non-performance of the services up to the mark, the Bank shall instruct the CSP/BCA in writing and CSP/BCA agrees to rectify the deficiencies or to ensure compliance of the instructions of the Bank.
  10. CSP/BCA agrees to prepare and produce by (Date of Execution) a `Business Continuity Plan’ for the purposes of ensuring continued rendering of services
  11. Undertaken by the CSP/BCA to the Bank or latest within one month from the date of execution of the agreement. CSP/BCA agrees to make necessary changes to the Business Continuity Plan or Contingency Plan as per instructions / directions given by the Bank after examination of the plan submitted by the CSP/BCA.
  12. CSP/BCA will comply with all the directions of DFS/IBA/RBI applicable for the BC channel. The requirement of DFS/IBA/RBI will be mandated to the CSP/BCA from time to time. The CSP/BCA is obliged to implement the same within allocated time.

Fees, Taxes Duties & Payments

  1. CSP/BCA shall be paid fees and commission in the manner detailed in Schedule ‘B’ hereunder written subject to deduction of income tax thereon wherever required under the provisions of the Income Tax Act by the Bank.
  2. All other taxes including service tax, wherever applicable, duties and other charges which may be levied shall be borne by the CSP/BCA and the Bank shall not be liable for the same.
  3. All expenses, stamp duty and other charges expenses in connection with execution of this agreement shall be borne by CSP/BCA


  1. This agreement may be terminated in the case of the CSC SPV by giving the CSP/BCA thirty(30) days written notice or in case of the CSP/BCA by giving the CSC SPV thirty (30) days written notice. In case of termination of agreement or cessation of business as mentioned in clause above, the CSP/BCA will be obliged to return all records and information to the CSC SPV within next fifteen (15) days in good working condition.
  2. Failure to do so would entitle the CSC SPV to forfeit the Trading Balance lying to the credit of the CSP/BCA. Should the CSP/BCA wish to cancel the agreement with the CSC SPV and/or resign from rendering services signed with the CSC SPV, it is the CSP/BCA’s responsibility to ensure that Equipment and or any accessory provide by the CSC
  3. CSC SPV/CSC e-Governance Services India Limited .is returned to the respective party in proper and working condition from its outlet. The CSC SPV reserves the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to disconnect or suspend this arrangement to the CSP/BCA without explanation and without notice, should the CSP/BCA not fulfill any of his obligations herein or should the CSC SPV  suspect that the CSP/BCA is not acting in good faith or should any fraudulent activity be suspected or for any reason whatsoever. The CSP/BCA shall be liable for any amount due or those have become payable prior to the date of suspension/disconnection. The CSC SPV reserves the right to offset any payment due from the trading balance if any, payable to the CSP/BCA and shall also be entitled to appropriate, without prejudice, any such payment to any other liability, which, at its own discretion it deems, the CSP/BCA owes to the CSC SPV / Bank relating to the CSC e-Governance Services India Limited. The CSC SPV shall have the right to terminate this agreement in case of voluntary winding up, unable to pay its valid debt, deficiency in services, and fraud by CSP/BCA or any of its employees.
  4. CSC SPV as well as CSP/BCA shall have right to terminate the agreement by giving a month’s notice in writing to the other party.  In the event of termination of the agreement by CSP/BCA, all records, information including documents etc. shall be returned by CSP/BCA to the Bank as per instructions of the Bank.
    1. If CSP/BCA is owned/ controlled wholly/ partly by any other bank operating in India.
    2. If any officer/ employee/ director of CSP/BCA or their relatives as defined in section 2(77) of the Companies Act, 2013 becomes a director/ officer or employee of the Bank.
      1. If CSP/BCA applies to the Court or passes a resolution for voluntary winding up of CSP/BCA or any other creditor / person files a petition for winding up or dissolution of CSP/BCA.
      2. If CSP/BCA, in the reasonable opinion of the Bank is unable to pay its debts or discharge its liabilities in normal course of business.
      3. If CSP/BCA is unable to render the services up to the mark as envisaged under this agreement upon a reasonable assessment of the circumstances by the Bank which affect rendering of the services by CSP/BCA as envisaged under this agreement
      4. The Bank shall have a right to terminate the agreement immediately by giving a notice in writing to CSP/BCA in the following eventualities:
      5. If any Receiver/Liquidator is appointed in connection with the business of the CSP/BCA or CSP/BCA transfers substantial assets in favor of its creditors or any orders/directions are issued by any Authority / Regulator which has the effect of the suspension of the business of CSP/BCA.

      If any acts of commission or omission on the part of CSP/BCA or its agents, employees, sub-contractors or representatives, in the reasonable opinion of the Bank tantamount to fraud or prejudicial to the interest of the Bank or its customers.


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